Stator died after five minutes of being installed

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Yeah "Stang" I also noticed 1st,2nd and 3rd lifts the wheel very easily, the ECM deffinatly wakes the bike up alot and turns it into a real fun machine..
Just recently having the low voltage during idle and traffic, as soon as the fans kick in. I have the EBR ECM with the Barker exhaust. As long as I am on the highway, I am OK. Oh well, that's where she is supposed to be!
Just recently having the low voltage during idle and traffic, as soon as the fans kick in.

I get this, too. Is this the sign of a bad stator, or a sign of a bad voltage regulator?

This situation makes me nervous if I ride somewhere and the last few minutes before I shut down are at low RPM. Will she re-start? Sometimes it cranks weakly after a shut-down situation like that... It hasn't left me stranded yet, but it makes stopping for fuel like rolling the dice.

I also hate that after I shut down the battery light is not lit, but then, as the fan continues to run for a full minute after shut down, the battery light comes on. Unsettling.
Normally, stators don't charge at idle. That's why when you have a dead battery, you have to jump and ride immediately. Maybe put a volt meter on and watch it while your ride. Sounds like maybe your battery is going bad. Check the connections as well. Take them of, scuff them up and put them back on.
I found the badweatherbikers forum to have alot of good info or past and present experiences on stator failures, they have a google search engine on the top left of the page, click on that and type in stator and you will have a wealth of relevent info.
Called EBR today and was told that most of the team will be back in the office Monday, so looking forward to getting the technical low down that this is NOT related to the ECM.
From what ive read so far the whole stator thing could also be a combination of issues such as battery, harness, voltage regulator, relay's etc, there also seems to be common ground with how the bike is used ie: stuck in traffic, short rides seem to have more problems then the guys riding further keeping the revs higher.
I'm sure most of you know the above already but thought I would share it as there might be some newcomers like myself out there too. What I can say is that this is a great forum with lots of knowledgable individuals, keep the sharing the info and i'm sure we'll all get to our ultimate goal of more time riding and less down time.. Ride safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR.
@Buellrain: Hope you were able to get that sorted out. Any updates? I'm in a similar situation - have a 2009 1125CR with just under 3000 miles and an EBR ECM on the way - no stator issues as of yet. I'd love to hear how this ended up so I know what to do in case my stator goes kaput. I also have some basic mods (FMF exhaust and K&N filter) and am a little nervous about getting warranty service with those should I need it.
Bungle, sounds like our bikes are fairly similar..except yours is running and mine is STILL in the shop!!!

Being new to the Buell game (purcahsed the bike in November) I'm sure you will find guys on here with more experience than I on these issues, never the less I have tried to do as much research as I can regarding this issue.

EBR assure me that this has nothing to do with the EBR ECM, below is the last correspondense I had with them:

There is absolutely no way the EBR ECM would cause a stator to burn out. The ECM contains the identical software related to the charging system as does the latest factory re-flash for the stock ECM. All we change are the fuel and ignition maps to match the needs of a race exhaust. The ECM is exactly the same part as the factory ECM, just with different calibration in it. We can almost guarantee we know what has happened to your stator since we deal with so many Buell 1125s in the US, and it is not the ECM, that's for sure. But it will be most important to have Buell Customer Service tell your dealer that.

We're in touch with H-D/Buell and are waiting to get an answer back on who is the right person for Bahrain to deal with your issue. Everyone who could answer that from Buell Customer service was off for the shut down too and many of them extended their holiday into this week.

The error codes are normal. We set a tone of historic codes programming them on the bench. They are all historic codes from the programming; not due to anything bypassed. They will clear after a few run cycles. The instruction sheet for the ECM explains this.

Thank you,

Tech Support

Erik Buell Racing

I went to check on the bike the other day and discovered that the "magnet" was also damaged, however my dealer did NOT inform me of this, here is another response from EBR:

I would have been willing to bet on this damage. Almost guaranteed they let a washer drop into the magnet area when changing over and didn't notice. The washer then gets banged around between the rotor and stator when the engine is running.

This has happened a dozen or more times in the US after a stator replacement. The update instructions do not describe watching out for this, and since most H-D mechanics have little experience on these engines, it is easy to make this mistake.

The guy from H-D/Buell corporate who will handle this has been out on vacation, but when he gets back this will get handled.

I think bottom line is that it all depends on your dealer, it is common practice on most bikes to change the pipe/pipes and obviously when changing the pipe, changing the "map/ecm" goes hand in hand. If you have any doubt regarding warranty work then switch back to the original ECM before taking it in, its a five minute job that I should of done to aviod a great deal of Sh@#!!

Hope this has been of some use, you will be surprised when you install the EBR ECM, in my opinion it makes the bike run how it should of been in the first place..
been there. done that. washer in rotor, left by brainless mechanic, too stoopid to run his finger through it to check.
in that case, your stator isn't burnt, but simply broken. this is easily visible as (at least) the wires will be mechanically damaged and either cut or grounded.

great info [up] ..... stator still good on my bike, it has 3 000 miles .EBR ecm ,jardine exhaust. I still have warranty till oct 2011 .If the stator dies I think I am throwing the stock stuff back on!!
Well guy's after a pain staking 7 WEEKS since the original problem I have finally got my bike back!!!

In my opinion the original stator just gave up the ghost, then when installing the new one which "apparently burnt out after 5 minutes" the mechanic installed it wrong and left the washer inside as "Ich" had mentioned: However either they were not aware of this or they wanted to hide/cover it up by blameing the ECM and voiding my warrenty!!

The real issue was that rather than continuing the trouble shoot process and looking into it further they blamed the ECM and would not continue till new parts were recieved and the original ECM was given back, it wasn't till about 5 weeks down the road that the stator cover was taken off and the internal damage was found which I was not informed of and only found out as a friend happened to be there picking up his bike and had a look at mine,informed me so I went to have a look, even with this they still blamed the original burn out on the ECM.

Well after a few emails and a couple of calls to EBR, they contacted H-D/Buell customer service in the States and got them to contact my dealer which in turn agreed to fix my bike as a "good will warrenty"

This process took a while as my original issue happened a few weeks before xmas, then when the new one "burnt out" it was the 23rd Dec, so with the holidays etc etc, it took a little longer which did'nt really affect me as the parts only arrived on 23rd Jan.

During this time I had read alot on the forums about Stators and ECM's etc and there does seem to be a few misconceptions out there regarding the EBR ECM, obviously I had indepth emails with EBR and a couple of LOOOONG distance phone calls, so I thought I'd share the info which you guys for future referance.

1.Although its called or marketed as a "Race ECM" this is just a name or done for legallity reasons in the states. It is the original part number with an "remap" for fueling, timeing etc is not adjusted. Although they offer diffent maps for stock or different pipes basically they wrote a map for the different pipes rode them for a while and adjusted it accordinly to what they found suited that perticular pipe/slip on, as mentioned the "for race use only" is engraved on the ECM for legality reasons. I was also told by EBR that these ECM's or Map's on them were being developed before H-D pulled the plug and were going to be sold as a original H-D part as an option for those wanting to beef the sound up on their bikes as the original pipes had to sound the way they do to pass emission and sound regulations etc.
2.The ECM does NOT in any way alter the way the bike charges, its the SAME although you may notice slight variations on your cluster its minmal, you do NOT need to try to ride eveywhere above 5k etc.
3.Some stuff such as the COLD fashing at start up and NOID being deactivated have been overwritten as if you are using it for track days/raceing you dont want the NOID kicking in or see stuff flashing up on your display.
There were a few other things that I have probaly missed but am trying to do this quickly as about to go to work, my opinion is if you guy's had concerns about the EBR ECM then DON'T as your bike will run alot better resulting in a larger grin under that helmet, if your bike's warrenty is out than don't think twice, however if you do still have a warrenty make sure you remove before getting any work done as bottom line with the dealer its seen as a aftermarket modification which they have the right to void warrenty because of it.

After getting the bike back I thought I would give EBR a call to say a BIG THANK YOU and how much their help had been appreciated, I asked to speak to the TECH department and wound up chatting to Michael who I thought had been replying to my emails and dealing with my case all along, he told me the above info and more regarding the ECM, he also said that they are still trying to develop a long term fix for the stator problem but in the mean time had purchased 60 of the 08 stator assemblies which have proved to be alot less problematic than the 09+ stators, so if any of you are going through the same then I would recomend giving them a call and ordering an 08.

The part that surprised me the most was he said that Erik had dealt with my issue personally and had made all the call's etc to the customer support at H-D to get this done under warrenty!!!! He had also replyed to my emails but was signed off as "Tech Support"
Bearing in mind that most of this communication was done over the Christmas and New Year period it gives me even more respect for the living legend, that he would take the time to get involved when surely he had plently of other things to be getting on with, with the Holiday's and new bike development etc etc.

Customer care such as shown here is the core of successful business and I have no doubt that the team at EBR will grow from strengh to strengh, they have a true belief in what they do and genuanly give a S*&^ about those rideing their bikes, with all the contraversy about these bikes and even having my own doubts over that period of being bikeless I can honestly say that I'm proud to be a little part of the Buell family.

We have NOT seen the end of Buell and the small hiccup of Harley pulling the plug will reap rewards in the end with Erik and the team producing bikes that they envisage without restrictions.

Thanks Erik........................

Anyone else out there, got the EBR ECM on their 1125?? If so any issues??
My stock stator has made it 10k miles about 9k with the ebr ecm.
I did have a voltage regulator go nuts and over charge to the point the cluster shut off.
Sucks there so few Buell knowledgable tech's in hd dealers espcially when it comes to the rotax.
Good luck hope you get it back soon:)
To Delta's coment there been a few retrofit voltage reglulators but nothing solid yet
@Buellrain - Very glad to hear that you got your bike back, and despite all of the hassles and delays, at least that's an awesome customer service story! Too bad you had to deal with all of that, though.

Thanks so much for the feedback and useful info. I got my EBR ECM a week or two ago, installed it and I like the difference. It's definitely good to know that I should swap it out if and when I need to take the bike in for service. I'm a little nervous about the stator going out, but I ride the bike daily and I think I have a decent amount of warranty left, so I'm hoping that any problems will pop up during the warranty period if they're ever going to.

Hope you're getting to enjoy the bike again, finally! [up]

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