Steelers vs. Packers

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Feb 8, 2010
Ok guys and girls, Who's your pick or who do you think will win the Superbowl?

Steelers for me.
not that we know of but im sure hes hideing something.morals and ball sports dont have much in common.
I hate Farve, so in turn hate the Packers, even though he isn't on the team.

BUT........ What ever my game square numbers on is who or what I will be cheering for:D

After the whole Brett Favre B.S. and Aaron Rodgers stepping up and taking over for the Pack. I say "Go Pack Go!!!"

oh yeah i'm from Wisconsin I might add. [smirk]
Who ever wins is fine with me ! I just know i'm sick of the superbowl already and it hasn't even happened yet ! Living in the Dallas / Fort Worth area it's all you hear about ! I just can't figure out why they have 10,000 volunteers for this thing and they're volunteering for multi million dollar organizations . They're going around building new parks, planting trees, repainting the streets and sprucing up houses around the freakin stadium. Putting on one hell of a dog and pony show !
walls the real problem is they expect to be short 10,000 strippers and 5,000 prostitutes for the crowds that are coming.
I just can't figure out why they have 10,000 volunteers for this thing and they're volunteering for multi million dollar organizations .

I'm from Pittsburgh and I'm getting tired of people tearing the town apart every time they win a stupid football game. I really hope they lose just so I can have some peace and quiet that night.

I also can't wrap my head around the multimillion dollar situation either. Watching a football game to me is the same thing as watching a bank merger. Why do people get so excited watching other people get rich at their job? I barely even like watching people do things that I actually do, let alone a bunch of guys in spandex tackling each other. I enjoy watching some motoGP races, but I don't care who wins(nor do I ever even know who the guys are racing), I just enjoy seeing guys taking turns with their elbows almost touching the ground and doing a few wheelies. I'm not as impressed by a ball flying through the air, haha.

Now before any of that upsets any of the men here with more testosterone than myself, I know I'm in the minority here by not liking football, and I don't expect anyone to agree with me. I just don't get it.
I'm not really a football fan either. 3 or 4 hours for 10 minutes of action? I'll pass.

I like ice hockey. I've been dusting off my skating skills the last month with anticipation of playing in a beginners league next winter.
If I am not a fan of either team, I always go for the underdog...unless it involves the Cowboys...then I go for whoever is playing the Cowboys.

I happen to not really care for either the Steelers or the Packers, so I am going for the Packers because they havent been to the big game in a while and I'd like to see them win it.
I don't care who wins but I guess I'm picking the Packers. I have so many friends who are Steelers fans and I don't need to hear them gloat about having "Seven" rings to my zero (Charger fan) [mad]
I also can't wrap my head around the multimillion dollar situation either. Watching a football game to me is the same thing as watching a bank merger.

anyone remember when William 'the refrigerator' Perry played back in the 80's?
he was a huge man for the sport at the time.. thats the norm, why?

more juice, horomones etc,
ya, so a bunch of guys jacked up on everything under the sun, wearing padding and doing nothing more then standing around then actually playing the game (how long is that ball in play during a entire game?? NOT LONG!)

its just another example of athletes being overpaid imho, (can the average joe even afford to attend a sporting event with his family of kids these days!)

therefore it really does nothing for me
BUT for you diehard fans, enjoy your day, have a excellent time and whoever your team is, the Pittsburg Dolphins or Green Bay Raiders etc..
I hope they win!
Which team has the most Buell owners, thats the real question.
Although......GO PACKERS!!!!!
I'm from near pittsburgh and I HATE the steelers.

I am a vikings fan so i had a pretty miserable year.. but...GO PACK!
hahaha... you guys want an aussie point of view... just for hte fun?

what is it with the ******** that nfl sprout at the winning team presentation or award. we see and hear them saying that blah blah team is hte 'world champion'... now how can that be? there are no other teams from other countries contesting? there is no playoff against another contry? if its not contested by any other country then where does this ***** come from?

they are 'season champions' and thats about it.

and your baseball does it as well... we from the outside looking in dont get it... laugh but dont get it.