stolen thrust blue/translucent amber xb12r

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garage is the key.. or if you rent an apartment, make sure its a ground floor apartment and roll it into your living room right on to a special carpet you got for it. NEVER leave a nice sport bike outside unprotected. Tweakers steal anything that isn't nailed down and they will steal right in front of a cop in broad daylight ..
this is the mentality thats ruining our country

This is the attitude that enables thieves.

Theft has been around since the dawn of man. If you have not learned that by now, then this country truly is doomed.
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I do appreciate everyone who is willing to help replace parts and who actually empathize. Yes there is nice parts on the bike but to be" asking for it" is something different. The problem in this country isn't that we haven't realized that people steal. It's the fact that people can't evolve into better people. I'm a registered nurse and how ****** up would it b if I was taking care of your mom or dad and stole money or jewelry from them when they r in a coma? Did they ask for it? No. People stealing for food is one thing but for drugs or to just ride someone else's **** to tear it up is B.S. and don't let your kids stay at a daycare or go to church cause they are asking to get molested. And don't go eat at a restaurant cause ur asking to get botchalism. I have more to say just not enough time or patience.
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But for real guys I may b hitting a few of u up for parts when the insurance stuff is settled. And thanks for everyone's help for the most part people on the forum are awesome. And I really couldn't have gotten my bike looking and running like I did without you guys help. I have a spy cable just don't really know enough to mess with that stuff. But I'm willing to be taught and advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks brothers!
I'm with you YNOTbuellxb. I don't feel I'm "asking for it" if I leave my garage open by mistake. Nor am I "asking for it" if I drop my wallet in the mall, or just park my bike in a parking spot with the key in my pocket.

People don't HAVE to steal my stuff if I give them the slightest opportunity. They can make the choice NOT to.

I am not living my life carrying a 30LB wad of keys and alarms either.

If you are a piece of **** and want my stuff that badly, you are going to take it. I have insurance.

If you threaten me or my family, my insurance is a G23.
If you showed me a picture of a cut chain, and busted disc lock.... I would be much more sympathetic.

Anyway, good luck with your repairs and I hope you learned your lesson.
I have a buddy like you. We go desert riding together and he always has cables, locks, alarms, etc. for EVERYTHING. bikes, gas cans, trailer, tool box, truck is always alarmed, RV door locked, windows locked, COOLER has a padlock on it.

The difference is my vacation is relaxing! We are always waiting for him, and he's constantly worried, checking on his stuff, and making extra trips to and fro to get the right key, etc. Late for rides, late to the campfire, late to go to sleep, late to breakfast...

I'm not saying I don't ever lock anything, but parking your bike in a normal spot and keeping the key isn't "asking for it":rolleyes:

I love my CR, but Erik made more than one of them.
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Im not talking about OCD levels of security, all the time. I'm talking about adding some security to the place where your bike is parked 90% of the time. Stop spinning my words out proportion.
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Nothing is theft proof, but to tell me you did NOTHING to deter a theft, I'm gonna call you out on it.
Your right gloomshadow the whole time she was gone I was asking myself where are they touching her now and r they at least being gentle. And to the other dude I really don't want to argue about security anymore it's sad that some people have no social skills. You don't go up to someone's family member that recently passed away and say it's there fault they died if they would have been doin 45 instead of 50 mph they would still b alive. They would probably beat you to death but what do I know.