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So a few people threw out michelin pilots *COUGH COUGH Thaloc & buellybill. I am woefully uninformed, apart from price whats the difference between the pilots, 2ct, etc etc?
There are different versions of the pilots. I think the 2ct is the dual compound tire, but i may be wrong...
have been running shinkos since early last year, on the second rear tire now, got over 11k on the first set and the front tire still has plenty of meat left...have the 009 Ravens due to it's dual compound, high mileage rating, the front tire needs to be redesigned due to the center groove "tracking" rain grooves on the freeway, other than that it's been a great set of tires for the price, got the set for $186 shipped, and the new rear for $104+tax, free shipping from Chaparral Motorsports, San Bernardino

thought about the Verge, but chose the Raven's for high mileage/dual compound, also they grip pretty well for the twisties:D
There are different versions of the pilots. I think the 2ct is the dual compound tire, but i may be wrong...

You are correct sir.. They are more designed for cornering as far as I know.. They are a tad bit more expensive but I like them a whole lot.. I got regular pilot power's (not 2ct) once because the 2cts were sold out and I didnt want to wait.. The pilot powers were good too, I had no issues with them... Go with your heart pal :D try a tire out and if ya dont like it, get a different brand next season!!
You can get Bridgestone bt020s on eBay for about 200$... Don't know anything about shinkos but I would run ^^^^ way before a "no name" brand no matter what anyone had to say about them.
Just sell your bike. If your not willing to invest in good sport tires for a sport bike then you might as well ride a Honda rebel. I prefer Q2s and they last about 3,000 miles.
Just sell your bike. If your not willing to invest in good sport tires for a sport bike then you might as well ride a Honda rebel.

I really hope that was a joke. Idk, maybe I took that the wrong way but the point of this thread was merely for opinions on a tire I was contemplating or other viable affordable alternatives, not for somebody to politely tell me to **** off because i cant afford something. I appreciate all input but unless you have something potentailly informative or helpful to say, dont say anything.

I prefer Q2s and they last about 3,000 miles.
Cyclegear just had a really good sale on those, $199 a set. Checked yesterday but they were out of stock, emailed them and they said the sale only applied to tires they already had in stock
Quote: I prefer Q2s and they last about 3,000 miles.
Why pay more for a tire that isn't any better and wears quicker?

IDK i get 5k miles out of mine before the cord shows and Im not the easiest on them. Ive gone through 2 or 3 sets of them. Someone else I know uses them exclusively too. Tire pressure too low maybe, or track days will certainly shorten their life. I stick with them because Im confident in them and they do everything I need. The reason I initially chose the Q2 over the 2ct is that the harder compound in the middle is narrower on the Q2 giving you more grip at the moderate lean angles and not having a transition between compounds at an aggressive angle.

I want to check out the pilot power 3 though. Im hoping they do well in the reviews this spring. Should be seeing them soon.

Every time tires come up(which is every week i think) people argue about which is best and how long they last. There are so many variables, such as roads, tire pressure, riding style, etc. Just evaluate what kind of riding you do and pick a decent tire that will suit it. If you dont consider yourself very aggressive or attacking the corners go with a sport tourer and you will get a much longer life. I like to think I ride like Danny Eslick but in all reality I dont. If you think of yourself as a decent rider and want confidence in the corners you cant go wrong with tires like the Q2 or 2ct(although i think id pick the new power 3 over it right now). Ive never had shinkos myself but Ive seen people run them without any issues. I know a harley guy who uses them because they are cheap and they smoke really well....he likes to do burnouts.

Just pick one...they all roll. Once you have experience with a set of tires you either like them or dont and go from there.
I also like the pilot power 2cts, I have atleast 8k miles on them and there is still plenty of tread left, I bought the bike with 19k miles on it and I have put 8k miles on it in a year.... and I ride all styles.. commuter, twisties, long rides, winter, rain.
Are the Michelin Pilot 2ct's the dual compound where there's sticky on the sides and harder in the center?

I swear they have another Michelin Pilot that is like 3 compounds. Hard in the center, "medium" just off center, and sticky on the edges.

I think what I have are just the Michelin Pilots, and they are just a softer single compound all around.

Then the MIchelin Pilot Powers I don't remember what that is...
Here's a good visual:

^^^ great stuff guys [up] lol pictures are so much easier to understand

Saw a set of pilot 2ct's for $220, thinking I'll just bite the bullet and snatch 'em up. Considering they're only $30 more than the Shinkos.

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