Strange markings on my rear tire

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I got the back tire at the dragon trip this year, put probably 300 miles that weekend plus a few hundred since. And I've done 4 track days on it. Doesn't show much wear at all. I bought a set of spoons and bead braker and change the tires myself typically, you've got a nice shop, you should start stocking tools.

I'm planning to move December 12th, but my slab is getting poured tomorrow so I dunno if I can finish the addition in 30 days. Might be a little later
Well, Ive got a big shop, and a lot of nice tools in some respects (some not so nice tools, too), but I tried doing my own tires before I moved here and it was such a PITA that I vowed never to do it again lol.

Cool well let us know when you do move, hopefully we can get together.
I finally got my tires put on today, after damn near two months. Been so busy lately...

I'm kind of pissed as they scratched up my rear wheel in two or three spots and the pulley in about 4 spots. Not real bad, but enough to piss me off. And they "stole" a valve stem cap. Just annoying and an inconvenience...

They also couldn't balance them for some reason, said the wheels were too wide to fit their machine or something. I didn't have the last set balanced so hopefully it will be ok. If I have vibes I'll try the balancing beads I bought before and didn't use.
snrusnak i would check the tyres are fitted correctly and in the right direction too just to be on the safe side! although i expect you already did! :up: and check the run out on the pulley! sorry to be so negative and i know you know what you are doing its just for any newbies in the same position reading this!
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shawn: too late now but when having your tires changed and balanced in the future and for anyone changing XB tires or having them done....lesson learned here: after breaking the beads on an XB wheel....the front tire is ALWAYS MOUNTED IN THE TIRE CHANGER with the disc facing down towards the ground. the rear tire is ALWAYS MOUNTED IN THE TIRE CHANGER with the belt sprocket facing down towards the ground. this prevents warped discs and bitched up pulleys.
snrusnak, I would definitely be talking to the manager or owner of the place that mounted your tires, they should fix the damage or pay to have them repaired, and they didn't balance them??? what type of shop did you take it to?
John, good info once again, both you guys enjoy your holiday!!!
snrusnak, I would definitely be talking to the manager or owner of the place that mounted your tires, they should fix the damage or pay to have them repaired, and they didn't balance them??? what type of shop did you take it to?
John, good info once again, both you guys enjoy your holiday!!!
and you as well dave. have a very merry Christmas up there in bucks county.
John, I really don't know what they did, I was working under the assumption they knew what they were doing...

So yeah there are a few knicks (most people would never even have brought it up), but I'm super anal. This is the only work I don't do myself due to obvious reasons (equipment), so I've come to accept knicks. Even on my vehicles it happens every time. It's not worth it to me to make them repowder coat the parts, it's just too much hassle and time. If it was worse yeah, but it's very minor.

The people that I talked to were actually very good and nice, they charged me half price since they couldn't balance them and they were very apologetic, and good to talk to. I really didn't have any issue with them other than the scuffs which is par for the course in my opinion for any service.

I actually told them I DIDN'T want them balanced, but they talked me into it. Then when finished said they couldn't do it, so I was honestly fine with that. I don't like the weights on the wheels, and my last set was not balanced and I never had any issues and have topped the bike out a couple times. Hopefully I'll have similar results this time...

They did offer to take them to another shop down the street for balancing, but I told them I'm going to try them as is and if I have issues I'll come back.

The only thing that pisses me off is the knicks, but oh well, like I said I've come to live with it anytime I have anybody work on anything that I have, which is not very often.

The other thing good about them is they are the only shop (very literal statement) in the area that gave me a reasonable price on both tires and mounting. Other shops either wanted like 50% more than I could buy online for tires or if I bought online they jacked up the labor by 200%.

Ya'll have a merry christmas as well, I appreciate the input! I am hoping to be done reroofing my house shortly after the holidays and have some time for the buell again. I have very little to do to wrap up my headlight project, and can be riding more again. Here I am bitching about other people doing bad work, and I found a screw on my roof yesterday during a storm leaking like a SOB. Went on the roof today and turns out I installed a screw without a gasket DOH! lol.
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Tires are the one thing I don't do myself either but I take only the wheel to them. I don't trust anyone with using proper procedures. Cyclegear only charges $25-30 to mount and balance.

One thing to check on the balance issue is if the balancing dots are lined up with the valve stem.

The last time I had a tire changed they did chip the powder coat on the rim edge. They didn't charge me for m&b. Good luck with anyone fixing a scratch.
Yeah I brought the wheels in to them...

This place was by far the cheapest, charging $30 per tire, but since they couldn't balance only charged me $30 total. I called every shop within an hour drive and they all wanted a ridiculous price, so this was pretty fair. Most wanted around $200 for mount and balance if I brought the wheels in.

And they did line the dot to the valve stem.
I change my own using hand tools. A lot of satisfaction to doing it yourself. My last two rears got that worn out and I didn't mean to let them. As was said previously, that last bit wears out really fast!
Thats pretty cheap, we are $40 off and $40 back on and balanced at both of our race shops here. We do get one set removed, mounted and balanced at the track for free at EVERY track event w our membership though which is nice
yeah I bought some spoons and tried doing them myself on the last set of tires before powder coating the wheels and I destroyed the original paint (was going to powder coat it anyway). So after that it's not worth it to me to damage my wheels. I think that's why I'm able to live with a couple minor knicks lol.

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