Suggestions brakeline routing in combination with hidden brake mod.

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2016
Utrecht, The Netherlands
Hi guys,

I'm doing the hidden brake mod, and once came by a picture of a brakeline which also wasn't visible. Looking for inspiration/pictures on how to route my line in a way it doesnt rub, but stays hidden.

Any input is welcome, tnxx
Depends on which brembo caliper you bought. I believe the one I have is a P32.... I think.
Anyway, I just disconnected my stock line, flipped it, and called it a day. Runs under the rear fender almost the exact same way it did before the caliper mod. So at the rear fender is the only place it's really visible.
My setup was a p34 caliper, ducati monster 11mm Brembo master, which has the fitting on the side instead of top, and a custom line, everything was hidden,.
First two are upside down. WTH they were correct on the preview. Oh well, hopefully it gives you an idea of how a stock line can be rerouted
Cole, can you give us a pic of the caliper. I picked the p32 for the placement of the bleeder screw and the fact that I could reuse my stock line. I thought it would be easier to service and hook up than the p34.
I might be wrong in what I gathered from the research I did.
A pic of your caliper would help
Cole, can you give us a pic of the caliper. I picked the p32 for the placement of the bleeder screw and the fact that I could reuse my stock line. I thought it would be easier to service and hook up than the p34.
I might be wrong in what I gathered from the research I did.
A pic of your caliper would help

I'll try to remember to take a pic on my conveniently cut out swing arm in the morning. If I remember correctly, I had to bleed it with the caliper unbolted and rotated up
I bought a P32 of an old RSV Mille and the master is a PS11C with the exit on top. According to many sites the caliper is supposed to be a 34, but measured the cilinders and they are clearly 32mm. I guess everything is better than the stock woodpedal on the rear. The exit on the caliper is on the side, but the pictures are very helpfull. Because now I know it is possible to keep it hidden and under the hugger. I'm going to have to look if it's going to fit with stock.

Funny cause i bought the exaxt same Rizoma fluid reservoir, lol. Can you taka a pic of how you mounted it?
BTW, I read somewhere that it can be a pain in the ass to make sure the brake plunjer doesn't fall out when you move your pedal upwards instead of down. Any of you guys have any experience with this?
BTW, I read somewhere that it can be a pain in the ass to make sure the brake plunjer doesn't fall out when you move your pedal upwards instead of down. Any of you guys have any experience with this?

Yes, I put a set screw in the bottom of the plunger, and that limited the up travel
Damn, that 'l get me a whole way! Thanks. LOL that swingarm, and nice pulley in the background! The day before yesterdaay I was at Twinmotorcycles in the Netherlands, they are having them built as we speak.
Nickdylan, does the PS11C master cylinder work with the stock Buell brake switch/banjo bolt?