Survey! Are you a safe driver?

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Nov 19, 2011
It's a long story, but I've teamed up with the local police and newspaper and am trying to find common misconceptions about motorcyclists. I'm hoping I can use the results to save someone a ticket some day, and maybe someone's life.

It shouldn't take you more than 5 minutes, and it's anonymous (it's through Google, hence the URL). You can share it with others, but if you do, it would be better if they visit motorcycle bulletin boards such as this one (any bike is fine)....otherwise you'll mess up my data.

Id be considered not.....but speeding and drive aggressive is part of being safe on a motorcycle.
Pass that along to the cops please.
Take the survey and put that information in'll really help! We have a similar survey going out to sheriff departments and police departments.

The more honest you are with your answers, the better the conclusions we draw will be.

Thanks again!!
did the survey, although some Q's could have been a bit more elaborated on, overall a decent basic survey. personally, think after becoming an MSF and CMSP instructor, I became a much safer motorcycle rider and class C driver, before that, was probably in the category of somewhat reckless, feel the need for speed, show off:D
Surveys are a tricky thing. I watch all my fellow graduate students wrestle with data obtained through surveys. Statistical analyses, inferences, and conclusions are usually very complicated.

Filled it out. Best of luck. Hope you find what you're looking for.
other motorists might view me as a wreckless rider but i consider myself to be safe at least since i crashed in May. When i fisrt started riding i wasnt as carefull as i am now but still ride spiritedly.

A few of the questions could use an explanation box to help you understand neutral answers tho (I understand it's a quick survey and it's 'in general')

4. What is your opinion of traffic law enforcement? * I have friends who are cops, the other ones are mostly ********.

6. Rate the following motorcyclists in terms of safety. * you see the extremes on all of these, from squids to fully geared. It seems like more of an age/riding years thing to me.

7. What is your attitude towards motorcyclist in general? * Same as last response, some are squids, some are smarter.

Keep us up to date on your results. Hope this helps.
Did it, hope it helps, but my answers are somewhere in between, or depending on other factors on most of the questions. I think this survey needs more work.
Its a simple survey, take it for what its worth
Simple means more ppl will do it

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