symptoms of fuel pump going bad?

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2011
as the title states...wondering what the tell tale sign of the pump going bad. had a slight hesitation during my ride home from work. as I rolled on the throttle shifting from second to third she hesitated for a second then ran fine. was low on fuel cause I had checked it last night, did not have a low level light. after filling up at Chevron and got on the street she was sluggish, throttle response was weak, no lurching though. thoughts anyone? she's got 64k and the fuel pump runs like normal, hasn't been removed probably since she was born. headed out to check if there are any codes.
yeap...looking into that, not familiar with how the bike reacts if that is the problem...she's my first v-twin and wanna make sure she's touched in all the right places in the right manner :D:p
what year is it.usally the 08+ xb will blow the fuel pump fuse when its on the way out.they also tend to go out in hotter weather.
symptoms include one or more of the following no start,hard start,hesitation,no power,cutting out or back fire through the intake
harbor freight has a master fuel pressure tester that has the right fittings for around 60 bucks and can be used on your other vechicles also.i would check intake seals,plugs & wires and cam sensor first though.also a lot of fuel pumps will fail right after a fill up this is caused by low fuel level causing the pump to run hot then the tank is filled with cold fuel.
added two gallons, which topped her off...didn't think of the fuel temp being added, have to hold off 'til tomorrow to check everything out, thanks for the info and just got the harbor freight email with the 20%, 10% off coupon and such:D
unable to get a tester today, so worked on ecmspy, dang what a pain in the ass trying to get the right driver for the cable. anyway, got that sorted after a few hours and made the connection. didn't make any changes to anything, just looked through the tabs to get familiar with it. tomorrow my coworker is going to help with the tps reset and run diagnostics. he's a grad from MMI back in '04 and said the Buell class was a week long that he could remember. so, he still has notes and handouts from back then. 'til tomorrow...