Tail lifts: WHY?

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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
I mean no disrespect, I understand everyone has different taste. I just don't get it though, why do you all like these tail lifts? All the angles/proportions get screwed up and look goofy. I think it really ruins the look of the bike. The front of the seat doesn't look like it aligns properly, the tail light is no longer perpendicular to the ground...

Just wondering why people like this modification?
I agree with you 100%

When I ride and brake hard my nutsack gets smashed pretty good against the air box. It seems to me that this would only be more of an occurance if you angle the seat like that.

I've concluded it is for looks only. Well except for my neighbor's Honda that looks like that, but it is because he got rearended by a 40mph car.

Happy nut smashing everybody [up]
It is mainly just cosmetics in my opinion. I love the Subframe spacers haha but i also just love it for the looks of the bike, especially with crossroad bars.
It really is just for looks, except for my bike I used them to provide proper battery tray to shock clearance with the long swingarm I installed. I would probably go back to the standard subframe height if I could just for comfort.
I like the riding position better. I originally did it for looks but I found that with the Select seat on my bike it gives me a more forward leaning angle. Disclaimer**(and it doesnt crush my nuts)*** It is a more aggressive seating position and it gives the bike a better look IMO. If you are going to do it you should plan on changing the bars as well because if you don't it will significantly effect your riding stance and it will feel very awkward.
It so when they do a sit down wheelie their seats are level with the ground again.:D
lol.....ok....let me rephrase my question because I guess I wasn't clear.

I do know it's primarily done for cosmetic reasons. My question is how the heck do people think this looks good (with all due respect :) )?

Every time I see a tail lift job I think of a 1990 chevy full size pickup truck with a 2010 chevy full size pickup truck's bed installed... it just looks that odd to me.
when i first saw the tail lift i liked it and thought about getting one. now i see them and really dont like the look. i think the only bike that it looks good on that ive seen it xtremelows
Its all about personal preference. I like the way they look. When I made my tail (x1 not xb) I made mine sit higher than stock because I am tall. Occasionally I look at at it and think its way to high but... meh... I dig it. Besides its MY bike.
I think it looks more aggressive, and the aggressive look is what I have been going for.

Very happy with the spacer.
Do you have a line graph or pie chart that shows this?

nope but in my town the finest lady is usually waking up next to me in the morning.. and I literally just bought the spacers shes gunna love them tho!!
Just call me big balls.

Hey buddy, this is a motorcycle forum! Let's keep your elephantitis of the nutzzzz to yourself! But since you brought it up, I think I found your high school yearbook photo! :D:D


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