the OFFICIAL what did you get for christmas thread

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Icon Accelerant Stealth jacket, Icon super duty gloves, girlfriend got my some dark horse moto sliders, gift cards and other little random things.
Yeah she's a keeper, but it is what she really wanted, and the old one just Pissed her off every day. She is Made at me for other things now though [confused]
sayjack -I noticed that 'underoos' you slipped in there :p

as for me, a Mighty Haul for Bender you might say :D
ton of Blu Ray movies.
gift cards to enough restaurants I doubt i'll have to cook at all for a month.

big gift to the g/f was a Bass Guitar, so was shocked speechless, so I done good [cool]
wii, some games, ipod nano, clothes, icon milspec 2 backpack, macbook... hmm what else... oh thats right, appendicitis and an emergency operation on christmas day lol [down]
Sorry to hear about that bro. At least that setback doesn't take too long to heal. You'll be back on the thumper shortly.[up][up]
-Waterproof, HD camcorder with tripod so that I can start making more videos for YouTube, bike reviews, car reviews, commercials, home videos n stuff...

-NISMO floormats for my 350z

-Farcry and Fallout for the xbox 360

-Water softener from the parents

-Half a pack of socks

-A few other small goodies
Morning BJ.
Breakfast in Bed.
Dinner, by me, @ my home, with 4 of my closest friends.
Party that night @ my neighbor's house into the wee hours.

Who needs money...

Special K

"...And laying a finger aside of his nose and giving a nod, up on the rear wheel he rose!"

--From "'Twas The Night Before Daytona" by Kris "Fatboy" Kringle
Oh yeah,

I guess the 42" plasma was nice too...
Almost forgot about it in the Christmas glow of things...

Special K

"A good friend will come downtown at 4:00am and bail you out of jail...
but a true friend will be sitting next to you in the cell saying, 'Damn...that was fun!'"

--Anonymous HellBeemer