think i have a Fuel Problem, bike is jacked up.

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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2008
I bought a 2003 xb9s from a friend 3 weeks ago that had about 3500 miles on it and hadnt really been ridden that frequently lately. well, i put about 1000 miles on it in the last 3 weeks and friday night it conked out on me. basically i went to leave the restaurant i was eating dinner at and halfway down the block it began to run all choppy before it backfired and died. I could get it to start up again but it sounded really crappy and would idle well below 1000.. then when trying to put it in gear, when i would pull in the clutch and put it in first the fuel pump would start up like it is supposed to when you first turn the key or flip the switch.. when you release the clutch to go to first it would be all choppy then backfire violently before shutting down in just a few seconds. basically that fuel pump noise doesnt stop, it's like it is just trying to keep giving it fuel. what i don't know is if it ISNT getting fuel so it keeps trying to or if it it is getting TOO MUCH fuel and is dying that way. either way i'm so broken hearted i dont' know what to do, first bike..bummed. any help? oh and sorry for the novel.
1. hi

2. are you a bit handy & technical?

3 fuel pump keeps going from turn of a key till shutdown. otherwise there would be no pressure.

4. any mods or so we should consider as a possible link to the problem?

5. last service?
1. hello.

2. i'm a bit handy and technical in general but not knowledgeable with regard to engines.

3. that's what i figured, but what then is the "loud noise" that happens when i first turn the key to "on" but before i start it up? or, is it that once the engine is running i just can't hear the noise?

4. as far as i know it's all stock.

5. i know that it had a new battery put in just before i bought it last month but that's all i know.
1. hi again :p

2. good

3. pressure build-up by the pump.
fuel needs to be injected under pressure, otherwise it will not ignite ;)

4. is it possible to take some pictures? easy to see if it's stock or not.

5. if it's been sitting a while, it's better to change oil & plugs.
maybe even do a full service/checkup so you know what is in your bike and you are sure you're not doing it any harm riding it.

it's better to change oil & plugs.

I was thinking plugs first....I'm not sure how common fuel pump problems are. Plugs are the easiest and cheapest check/fix. Best to start there and then check fuel pressure....LeFox can tell you how, I think its been posted before. Good luck, you'll get it fixed.
mrdozer2me said:
I was thinking plugs first....I'm not sure how common fuel pump problems are. Plugs are the easiest and cheapest check/fix.
yea, but if it's been standing for a while, like he said in the 1st to change the oil too :p
good points. i am bringing in to a dealer on saturday morning so i will def suggest/request oil change and plug changes.

i thought that since it started up that it was getting spark and therefore the plugs weren't the problem. for some reason since the pump was constantly sounding like it was "building pressure" i assumed that the plugs were getting too much gas and therefore the fuel was the problem and not the plugs.. but i guess it could be the plugs afterall? wow, that would really make me happy if it was something that simple.

shoot i could change those myself sometime this week huh?
Yes don't bring it to the dealer with all the knowledge of the guys on this site. One of us can help you out before you have to spend a ton of money at the stealership. First off definitely change the oil, plugs, check the air filter, etc. Basic maintenance items. Once that is done if you are still have the problem let us know and we can try to diagnose something else. The rear plug is a bit of a pain to get changed but easily doable by anyone with a little knowledge of engines. Let us know how you make out.
will do, thanks for the encouragement dan. the few friends i do have with any knowledge seem to think that it is a clogged fuel injector or line. i imagine that being something a bit more complicated to fix. i'll go ahead and try the oil and plugs and filter. thanks again.
There is no doubt if the bike has been sitting you could have a clogged gas line but that is highly unlikely. I don't think it is a clogged injector either it takes a lot to clog one of those. How long was the bike sitting without being ridden that is the big thing. When I buy a bike the first thing I do is a complete tune up whether it needs it or not I want to know that I am safe on the bike when I ride it. Hang in there you will figure it out just don't bring it to the dealer unless absolutely necessary.
go for some better plugs when you change them...ngk iridium or the pro series. ;)

it could be something else, but since it's been standing for a while it's always better to change those things. doesn't cost a fortune and always better for the engine.

the choppy riding & backfire is also an ignition thing.
if it's fuel the choppy effect is a bit softer.
well, it's not really that it sat without being ridden at all, it just wasn't being ridden that much. it was probably ridden as close to a week or two before i bought it but only down the street to put some air in the tires, but like i said it took them 5 years to get 3500 miles then i put 1000 in 3 weeks. i'll try to pick up some plugs tonight or tomorrow.. will i need any special tools to get them off?

also on a side note, is my trying to start it and get it to run the many times i did over the weekend harming it?
If you start the bike and stop it frequently ( showing people...short rides..letting people hear it, etc.) theres a good chance that a plug is fouled. These bikes dont like being started and stopped frequently. They need to be run if they're started.

best to change the oil too
Yes, that was already covered before. Always change the oil when you get ANY new vehicle....maybe not new, but new to you :p
makes perfect sense cause since it was my "new little baby" i was showing it to people, they wanted to hear it run, etc. etc. can i get motorcycle spark plugs at a place like AutoZone or do i need to go to a Motorcycle place?
You can just order them from the Buell website, and check local bike shops or the Harley/Buell Dealership and see if they have them. Should be able to get them from Autozone but I'm not sure. Check the dealership first.
You should be able to get them from Autozone or like an Advanced Auto Parts or something like that. Don't get cheap ones either. I made that mistake and ran $.99 Champion plugs and it ran horrible. I put the Harley Double Platinum plugs in and it runs incredible now. Spend the money on the nicer plugs. If you can get those E3 plugs I suggest getting those they are great plugs.
You should be able to get them from Autozone or like an Advanced Auto Parts or something like that.

Yep, they should be able to find the part # for you....but be safe and have one for them to check and cross reference different brands. As far as what works the best....thats a whole new topic ;) NGK's are good and I can even get my hands on some from DENSO [up]
Lightning Performance Spark Plug [32822-01Y] start with that...

here is the NGK

and here is the DENSO

I think that the DENSO company doesn't realize the 9r and the 9s have the same motor...they have it listed for the 9r but not the 9s...go figure