Think I shorted out everthing

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Feb 28, 2009
So I install my LED turn signals test three no problem. I get to my left front and I hear a buzz and none of the turn signals work. My instrument cluster doesn't work. The bike start but no indicator lights. The brake (when depressed) and the head lights (hi and low beam) work.

Where should I look to fix the problem? I'm thinking a bare wire touch something and fuse got shorted. any ideas?
I had simiplar problem with LED signal, check with OHM meter and ground the LED housing and the wire to see if it grounded out, it blew the fuse when I turn the signal on, so I took the housing and LED apart and found the excess solder touched the housing, I filed it off and covered with clear silicone, so far so good,.. hope you have that problem. :)
i plugged in my LED sigs the other day and had the same buzz sound. the indicator turned on but didn't blink it jsut stayed yellow, i ordered the led relay from american sport bike but it hasn't arrived yet. hopefully it'll sort it out. none of my indicator lights went out though.
Yup fuses are blown. If you got cheap LED's the soldering may be messy and causing a short, check out your turn signal housings.
While I have no experience with this I have to agree that the first thing to check is the fuses. Secondly when you are changing from a standard (incandescent) system to LED there is a big drop in load so the system will sometimes not work because of this, which is why they make load equalizers for these applications. However I am not sure of the Buell system but would think that updating to an LED style relay would correct this problem but if it is really that simple why would anyone buy a load equalizer?? Sorry for bringing more questions than answers lol.
I know right. When I changed all my signals to led I had the buzzing noise, lights on, no blinking. I looked online and found load equalizers but didn't want to order anything, I just want to find a fix. I came across a few forums that mentioned swapping the relay (that's why I mention three different kinds in the other post).

I found it at Napa, plugged it in and it worked, no problem.
Yeah I'll check fuses first then I'll check my soldering jobs at each connection then I'll go for the relay.
also be sure you have the polarity right on leds black is hot white is ground.
led (Light emiting diode) they will only flow one way

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