Thinking about an Uly.

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For passing quickness you'll never need anything more than this beast.
That is a huge plus with any buell, especially the uly. What other bikes can carry 2 ppl,plus three hard cases full of stuff and do 60 to 100 in a couple seconds to blow around a car. One of those few instances where speed might actually make you safer.
Last fall the wife and I did some riding together for a day (she never rides with me usually). Together we weigh I'm guessing close to 400 lbs with riding gear and helmets. (Yeah we're a bit outta shape)and I was really pleased with how quick the uly was still even with the added load. Probably had 35lbs odd miscellaneous luggage on too.
I'm glad to read what Pjf53 had to say as I am 66 years young and just bought an 08 uly. Believe it or not, it's replacing a triumph tiger explorer xc ( great bike ) Though I haven't riden it very much the uly is much easier for me to handle weight wise in comparerison to the tiger. I only picked it up on Saturday and I am looking forward to having a bike that I can pretty much do all the mantinence on it myself.
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I like riding my 06 Uly more than I like riding my Ultra Classic. Its faster, more nimble, better gas mileage, stores just as much if not more stuff, doesn't weigh 900 pounds, more comfy and is just plain more fun. I bought it for 4k with only 9k miles on it a few months ago. What more could I ask for in a touring, camping type of bike? Plus we've got a forum with tons of help. My Ultra is for when the wife wants to ride. Good deals are to be had if you look around.
Hi jl551c,

Just happened to notice you're in Lake Luzerne for part of the year. I bet I can guess what part of the year that is, ha, ha. I'm in Johnstown and ride to Saratoga for coffee at Uncommon Grounds and then to 9N for a ride around the lake or to Lake George. Anytime you might want to hook up at the coffee shop and a cruise, let me know. I bought my XL with 08 miles on it a couple of years back from a guy in Greenfield. He had already sold the cases but I like the look more without all the hardware and can still carry plenty of stuff. Have a '96 Sportster Sport, 99 Virago 1100 Special, and an 01 Dyna Superglide Sport (I like dual discs on Harleys).
Go get you one! Mine will be with me as long as I am on this earth and it is not for sale! I love commuting and traveling on my Uly in the winter, it is good to 30F and that's in jeans & boots, winter water proof liner in a mesh jacket, and buell gloves. Nothing else, the motor is like heated pants and boots, the hand guards with heated grips and I am toasty on my 50 mile round trip commute. I do also have an 18" Madstad which helps greatly. In the summer I can ride it also, but do prefer riding my 07 Tiger 1050 because it is water cooled and the heat is further away, hate riding it in the winter though, freeze you arse off and it also has heated grips. The engines are very different, but they both have a lot of torque and the top speed on both are the same. Not sure why folks say the buell does not perform well compared to others? The 07 Triumph 1050 triple is an excellent motor in durability, torque, horsepower, performance, wheeliebility, etc... I can say the same thing about the Uly, even though it is a very different motor with very different characteristics, I still consider them both excellent and comparable for street use. I am an average rider and maybe on a track there is a different story and the root of the deficiencies of the XB12 compared to other motorcycles?
Buy a lightly used Suzuki V-Strom 1000 adventure. much better bike....very reliable...priced right.
warm regards,
Vienna, Austria 1b2ae987515537649c6687ed872e7fee.jpg
I have a friend who has a V-Strom 1000 and he is looking to put a Suzuki SVT 1000 motor in it, he says the SVT motor has more horsepower as well as torque and is the motor that should have been in the V-Strom in the first place. Also had problems with and had to remove some secondary butterflys, as well as re-sprocket for different gearing, re-calibrate Speedo, etc.... I think his is either a 2006 or 2007 model? Also he had to change a few fuel pumps, and finally figured out the Suzuki pumps are trash and found an aftermarket brand that was good. So maybe the newer ones are better but they all have their quirks don't they?