thinking about selling my camera

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delta one

Well-known member
Dec 6, 2009
thinking about selling my D90, it has become too much trouble...
(long story but I do "stupid crap" with it in my hand to get the shots and my family constantly badgers me about how dangerous it is.)
the fun is gone and I no longer enjoy taking pictures so I am contemplating selling my camera and walking away entirely, but I'm still not firm on the idea.

D90 in great condition with a 18-105 lens a 50mm f/1.4 a 70-300mm a a sb-600 flash manfroto tripod and ball head a vanguard sling bag and a small tamron bag

uv filters and polorizers for every lens spare battery for the camera and 2 sets of rechargeable batteries for the flash and all original boxes documents and an additional 7 year warranty on the body and lenses

any idea what its worth?
or should I just pack it up and wait till everything cools down a bit?
I'm assuming by stupid crap you mean taking pictures while carving the roads?

I would get a very good suction mount, a remote, and put insurance on the camera (like through USAA). That way you can still enjoy taking pictures, it just makes getting that perfect angle a bit harder. Much safer though.

Or I'll get if from you for a dollar :p

P.S. - Don't sell it!
going by your other posts and your pics maybe you just need a and working on cars and bikes was my passion once but got burned out and tired of the flak so i stepped away.i wish i didnt
No seriously tho brah...dont sell it. Just put it down for a while. Pick it back up when the dust settles. And shoot it! :p
I'm assuming by stupid crap you mean taking pictures while carving the roads?

and standing at the apex of a corner or in the middle of the road or the middle of stunters or hanging off a deck or standing on a guardrail or leaning over a river just to get a shot.......

you know, the usual :D
I took this out on the ice not long ago, somehow it just wasn't fun anymore.
I hate that they somehow found a way to steal something from me I once enjoyed so much, but it has become too much like work. I sold photos just to help fund my hobby and to share other peoples passions they way they wanted to... now it just doesn't seem worth the trouble.


I haven't bothered taking the time to process it properly, I just haven't cared that much.
I have hundreds of unprocessed photos on my computer right now and don't imagine I will take the time to finish them off.

I have considered just putting it up for a bit, but selling it would help me buy a nicer MINI cooper S.
there is a JCW that I really want, and it seems like a waist to just let the camera sit like that.
Sounds to me like you had too much of a good thing all in one shot. Happens all the time.

Put the camera away for a while and find a small new hobby. If after a few months you still don't feel like doing the photography thing anymore - sell the camera then. Don't just sell on a whim.

Or of course you could still keep it for those rare occasions.

I hope you'll get your passion for photography back though, just based on the last picture you posted. Seems like you have talent.

Good luck! [up]
What year Integra? I need a car for my niece when she moves to California in June.

97 GSR. It might be a "parts car" because it has some shifting issues(which could be just a linkage) and there is a small chance it has a tiny head gasket leak. It's not showing signs of it, it just what a possibly shady shop said so who knows. It's perfect for some ricer, but not necessarily a good DD at the moment. I just do'nt want to deal with it. Which is why the first $1000 takes it. Obviously I haven't put it on CL yet cuz it would be gone if I did.
Sounds to me like you had too much of a good thing all in one shot. Happens all the time.

no I just had enough aunts uncles cousins parents and grandparents coming after me for taking too many risks with the camera in hand.

I hope you'll get your passion for photography back though, just based on the last picture you posted. Seems like you have talent.

thanks :)
I don't think that photo has any real passion displayed in it at all, its kinda bland IMO. but like I said I just wasn't feeling it that day or any day since October when I started getting ear fulls with every shot.
Don't give up, seek out alternatives.

In skydiving, a lot of tandem instructors shoot video of the jump via a camera mounted on the back of their hand. I'm sure you could find someone to fab up a hand/forearm mount you could mount your camera to and fire it with a remote switch so your hand is still free to safely ride.

Or as an alternative, videographers in skydiving have their cameras helmet mounted, you could look into maybe mounting your camera to your helmet (if you don't mind drilling into it...with this), and have a switch you activate with your mouth ( with this).
^^ Drilling into the helmet, seriously[down]

@ Delta - that D90 takes some seriously nice pictures - well - the user is to congratulate as well. Very nice pictures. This just reiterates. Put it away for a while, slow down, then you'll pick up one day and you'll be glad you didn't sell it.
Just giving options. Lots of people ride without helmets at all, or with untested novelty it really that big a deal to find a cheap-o helmet and mount a bracket to it?

Forgot to mention as well, there are options for mounting a camera elsewhere like this and this. I've jumped with the shoe mount with my film SLR for an assignment, got some pretty interesting shots in freefall and under canopy...
attaching it to my helmet wont help my family get over their fear.

Not long ago, he crashed his bicycle fell into a coma for a few months and died just over 1 year ago.
They want me to sell my motorcycle too but that isn't going to happen, I refuse to live my life in fear of the unknown just waiting for death to finally take me. I want to take risks in life and live to celebrate it, and if one day I do finally die from one of those things I do I will die happy knowing that I have done some fun adventurous things.
I am very jealous so the skydivers here because I REALLY want to do it! I just cant afford it yet. and once I have done enough jumps that way and have gotten back in shape from all my injuries I want to get into base jumping. and scuba diving if I can get past by brain block of breathing underwater. (after a few close calls with drowning I have a very prominent mammalian dive reflex)

and I am not thinking about selling my camera just to appease them, I am doing it because they have given me so many guilt trips that I don't enjoy taking photos anymore. if it were just to appease them I wouldn't even be thinking about it, but its more about how I no longer enjoy it because of their ridiculing.

I totaled up most of my receipts and I have about $3,500 invested in my gear (yea I forgot stuff in my first list)
wow doing stuff on my phone sucks, I accidentally deleted the first half of what I typed in my last post.

I was talking about my uncle, and how he is the reason everybody is so scared. they are irrationally fearful.
Sounds like you need a cooler family..... Just sayin :p

How much are you seriously thinking of getting out of it. Like Dave mentioned I am looking to buy a D90.