Thinking about selling my XB

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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2011
I believe Ali is from Nebraska, price would be good tho if you want to sell:D.

Or get on that Buell and find some bitties! [cool]
Get on and ride the **** outta that bitch she wont break up with you. Chicks what can ya do? The right one
will make ya and the wrong one will break ya. Women are like buses, another one comes along every ten minutes.
^^. Hard to believe when you're in the midst of the sh*t storm, but it's basically true... :D
Women are like buses, you and your friends can get inside of her, and ride around town.....oh wait...huh???
One thing's for sure, women are just like anything with wheels. At first they're loads of fun but sooner or later they'll give you trouble. That's why we give them girls names.


My XB9SX reminds me of my old girlfriend. That how she earned her name, Yvonne. Never complains and begs to be ridden, HARD!:D
Yeah go ride the piss out of it then see if you still want to sell it.

Also, stop being a bitch. if it reminds you of your whore ex then change something on the bike and tell yourself this is rebirth, or whatever you emo's call it.
Yeah go ride the piss out of it then see if you still want to sell it.

Also, stop being a bitch. if it reminds you of your whore ex then change something on the bike and tell yourself this is rebirth, or whatever you emo's call it.

LMFAO!!! Post of the fooking year! Them's pearls right there!! [up][up][up]
Yeah, you idiot, sell it so someone that's not a bitch can own it! Wooooot wooow.

Haha probably shouldn't post when I'm drunk?
Arg! No! Don't sell it! Buells are rare and getting more rare. If you sell it, sell it for right reason. You really should get on it and ride it. If you just can't ride it, let someone else who will love it have it. But breaking up with your passenger is not a good enough reason to not ride. If you follow that reasoning, you have to sell ALL your other stuff too.
Ali, don't let some girl ruin ur relationship with ur bike. Trust me there are plenty of other girls out there. I'll tell you this, if I had to choose between my wife and my bike, my wife would be out the door before my bike. And divorces are expensive
You dont need a passanger to ride! But hell if you need to go pasanger shoping theres other sights for that . So pull your skirt up , fill out your page, run to dmv get your paper work in order and ride that bitch! Also ive found banging her freinds help you get over a rough breakup.
No harm intended. I just think its funny:D