It's funny, were it not for us, and those that came before, you wouldn't even be able to say that right now. Once again. Certain people deserve more respect from the get-go. Just because. I know others have been through worse than me, and stated so earlier. My comments had nothing to do with respecting someone after you know them either. You need to think before you type, you're trying too hard and pedaling backwards. You're the one making assumptions. I know I deserve more respect, because as a child I knew that soldiers deserved more respect than regular men. It's easy to live your freedoms, it's hard to live without that which you defend. Most people don't have to worry about the people they may have learned their job with dying like we do. Ever had a close friend die? Imagine training with 30 guys, after training you all get sent to different spots in little groups of 2-6. A month later you get word that 1 of them died, and it happens like that once every 2-3 months for the first year before you stop checking because you're scared they're all going to be gone before you know it. Even those of us waiting to go over have to deal with our buddies dying and a lot more **** that your average joe never will. Do the guys that are already over there not deserve more respect because they went? They didn't have to go, it's an all VOLUNTEER army, nobody made them sign-up. You think any old regular joe could do that? WOULD do that? Hell no. So yea, we deserve a hell of alot more respect than some random guy you 'might' run into, that 'may' have seen some **** or 'may' have a more dangerous job. With few exceptions there isn't a more dangerous job than enlisting in one of the armed forces. Of the few there are, most of them are for personal profit, not for the security of the United States. Greedy guy with a dangerous job doesn't get my respect. A Soldier always has and always will.
Circlejerk, you pose as a cop and then imply that everyone should be treated the same. You're either a child or completely ignorant of the way the real world works.