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Didn't Oprah write a book about va-jayjays?

Google it...

Don't know about a book, but she sure likes to talk about it. 41,000 results?!??!

At least know we know what circleWhellie (sp?) does in his spare time. I'm sure he just watches it hoping Dr. Phil will come back on again. :p
bitter rod ...

"its fun to watch people ride the lightning..." really, you actually enjoy it? man, I think I would definitely have a hard time with that..

I just hope you only hit people that actually require that kind of force.. which I am sure is the case, nevertheless I hope.

respect.. (flicka da hand) waaaa-pshhh :D
i've clearly been watchin' too much Ali G.
sounds bad, but it is fun. I have only tased a few people, and they all had it coming. It is such a nice alternative to going hands on with someone. I don't get tired or hurt. It is pretty much harmless to them, once the 5 second cycle is over.

As for circle you honestly belive that cops and service people only deserve the same amount of respect as everyone else? You need to enlist young man. Pick up a book called "On Combat" by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman...then talk to me about respect.

“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” - George Orwell
Circle said a little bit ago on this post that he's also a cop. Well so am wait, now I'm a cowboy...Now I'm a I'm a.... You get the point. Just playing silly. Has anyone other than police officers on here ever had a chance to actually try a laser radar gun? I asked a cop once to set up in my driveway.(he declined) I live on a friggin racetrack, two little kids in the house, and hate getting a bad rap from Japanese riding squid ********. He let me try the gun though, seemed to me to be REAL hard to get a bike at any distance over 4-500 yards.If you're paying attention that's a long way away.
I understand and agree.... it is a great alternative to actually putting your hands on someone and having to wrestle them down, A definite plus in having the ability to control a situation much more effectively.

Just a little scary that you enjoy it is all I'm saying... but hey ya can't knock a guy for enjoying his job.... :)
That is scary you enjoy it. Fortifying my point.
Yes, I do think we should be respected just as much as any other person. You have no idea what some random person does for a living or on their spare time. It is likely that their work has a much greater impact on your safety then us front liners. It is also possible that they are m=putting themselves in greater danger. How ignorant can you be to assume that one person deserves more respect than another without knowing anything about their actions?
cicrelwhellie is right. I know krooked cops and ones worthy of the praise that most people assume they diserve bc they get paid to have a badge on their chest. I also have many friends in the armed forces and many of them are just doing it b/c they didn't want to go to college. I respect them all to different degrees, but it has nothing to do with their profession. Respect and appreciation for their work are two different things. Most of these people I know have greater respect for my work as an aerospace engineer in protecting their safety then they do for their coworkers. Either way, it should have nothing to do with their job, but the person.
I know this much, hey circle, you ever had your buddy flag you with a semi-auto? Loaded with live rounds? No?! How about have somebody you're training with drop a live grenade with the pin already pulled?!? I deserve more respect than your average joe just because of the **** I went through so that I could be called a soldier. **** that "respect everyone" hippy ****. **** you, poseur piece of ****. Tell all my friends that have been blown up, shot, and set on fire that they don't deserve any more respect than anyone else. Better yet, tell the families of the soldiers that didn't make it back home and the ones that are crippled for life, that their sacrifice don't mean jack ****, that they don't even deserve more respect than the goddammed garbage man. **** off ******* twit!
I agree Fido, we all might as well wear bland colors and all get paid the same. That's some serious commie BS
i would request everyone to let this one go and let the thread die out...

Did you guys seriously not understand what i just wrote? Your replies were only 50% relevant, and the other 50% was just you lashing out b/c you are bitter. My comments had nothing to do with respecting someone after you know them. Oh, and fidosol, you don't deserve any more respect, mostly because you assume you do, and the rest is picked up by the fact that you won't ever be able to admit that others may have been through worse than you.
It's funny, were it not for us, and those that came before, you wouldn't even be able to say that right now. Once again. Certain people deserve more respect from the get-go. Just because. I know others have been through worse than me, and stated so earlier. My comments had nothing to do with respecting someone after you know them either. You need to think before you type, you're trying too hard and pedaling backwards. You're the one making assumptions. I know I deserve more respect, because as a child I knew that soldiers deserved more respect than regular men. It's easy to live your freedoms, it's hard to live without that which you defend. Most people don't have to worry about the people they may have learned their job with dying like we do. Ever had a close friend die? Imagine training with 30 guys, after training you all get sent to different spots in little groups of 2-6. A month later you get word that 1 of them died, and it happens like that once every 2-3 months for the first year before you stop checking because you're scared they're all going to be gone before you know it. Even those of us waiting to go over have to deal with our buddies dying and a lot more **** that your average joe never will. Do the guys that are already over there not deserve more respect because they went? They didn't have to go, it's an all VOLUNTEER army, nobody made them sign-up. You think any old regular joe could do that? WOULD do that? Hell no. So yea, we deserve a hell of alot more respect than some random guy you 'might' run into, that 'may' have seen some **** or 'may' have a more dangerous job. With few exceptions there isn't a more dangerous job than enlisting in one of the armed forces. Of the few there are, most of them are for personal profit, not for the security of the United States. Greedy guy with a dangerous job doesn't get my respect. A Soldier always has and always will.

Circlejerk, you pose as a cop and then imply that everyone should be treated the same. You're either a child or completely ignorant of the way the real world works.
Once again Fidosol, you have managed to completely ignore the point of this conversation and found the pompous excuse to vent that you have been searching so diligently for. I know exactly what I said, and you ARE assuming you know the person. I am a cop, and no I don't choose to respect someone less simply because of the profession their dreams lead them to. I apologize that I am not as judgmental as you, I'll think about working on that sometime...maybe later. You are the ignorant one who assumes "average" men wouldn't/haven't dropped all that they are then their time comes. Your are stuck in the same self-glorifying rut that so most people are in.
Still saying you are a cop eh... Well, I work for the Bay City Police Department in Bay City Michigan. I was hired in January of 2000. I attended the Kirtland Regional Police Academy where I was awarded with the MCOLES award and the Defensive Tacticts award. This is all after I received my BA from Saginaw Valley State University. I am currently assigned to the FBI Safe Streets Task Force after working night shift road patrol for 7 of my 9 years.

Your turn...
Circle, you're sounding less and less like a child. Don't know about a cop or not, but a more like an adult.

You have to understand, you can't shove onto a new forum talking trash, calling people vaginas, and expect to be taken seriously. Though I do agree with you to an extent about profession doesn't mean they deserve respect. (I still feel it has to be earned by Anyone.) But soldiers and the like have a head start in my book.
Once again Fidosol, you have managed to completely ignore the point of this conversation and found the pompous excuse to vent that you have been searching so diligently for.

This ****, coming from a guy who spent all his time here lashing out at upstanding members of the board, oh and good ole' me too, pompous bastard that I am.

Come on kid, a plastic badge don't make you a cop. Go play with your dollies now, grownups need to talk..
Sorry, I don't respect everyone the same. Until you have done this job, you may not understand. I unfortunately had to see an 83 year old grandmother stabbed to death and beaten with a hammer. Should I respect the two coward ***** that did it? Get over it...respect is earned not given freely to anyone on the street. Soldiers earn it in boot...cops earn it in the academy...doctors earn it in med whellie earned it in spelling class...etc...

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