It's true, I'm trying so hard, and not banking on how new you are to the forum, just letting you know that I've been around a while. Any info I put out on Buell's is solid, if I'm not 100% sure about anything bike related, I say so, and in most cases ask questions as well. The observation I made about circlejerk, prior to engaging in conversation of any kind with/about him was that he enjoys stirring up controversy, he was the first of us to call names, he called a very well respected member of this forum a 'pig' when he had no right, and no firm grasp of the situation or the person he was slandering. It's not respect 'I' think 'I' should have, I'm no more special than the next Soldier, but we are all (at least IMHO, and many other peoples opinions as well) very much deserving in respect, not merely for our job and what it entails, mostly for the sheer intestinal fortitude it takes to know that you are going to go to war and sign up for it anyway. I merely mentioned my vocabulary to provide any who might be interested with the insight that so far, with the exception of one post, I'm just being playful, this isn't serious to me (with the exception of the one post). This is just a game, I don't play with the respected members of the forum like this because;
A. I know better and I RESPECT them.
B. NOOBS and others that insist on conducting themselves in a childlike and ignorant manner make far more entertaining toys with which to play.
Now you seem to have a firm grasp of the social dynamics of this particular forum, as you have so far conducted yourself in a rather adult manner, with no name calling. Kudos to you. You're already a step ahead of CircleWhellie.
Hey BXB12R, you're new aren't you? I mean since the last time I was around regularly right? You need to learn to recognize the difference between an underdog, and a cur.
That was to allow you to investigate on your own the conduct of the user you labeled an underdog. Check around the forum, I'm not the only one who has found his presence to be a slightly bothersome. The more he posts, the more intelligently he phrases what he has to say, I have no doubt that if he would apply that to Buell's and anything else that isn't calling a good member names, he could become a valuable asset to the forum, but if not then I'm sure the others will agree, you can't miss what you never had and he can leave whenever he feels he's left a negative enough impact.
As far as the skin thing goes, yes he did get under my skin. But so does bacteria occasionally, both are minor annoyances at best.