Despite your obvious aversion to the NRA and what it represents, you seem fundamentally ignorant of what it stands for and advocates. Try this link as a starting point to learning a bit about what they actually say and stand for, not what the gun control lobby says: I don't believe the Swiss model and the NRA are fundamentally that far apart.
Of course training, responsibility and accountability are OK. Responsibility and accountability are already mandatory, training probably should be as well. It is really no different than a driver's license. The real issue is not mandatory training, it is that certain elements don't think people should be allowed to have guns, just as there are people that don't think we should be allowed to have 'fossil-fuel' burning vehicles.
In reply to your comment about restrictions, I would point out that Toronto, Ontario, a city which wants to ban all guns, in a Province with very stringent gun control, has had more fatal shootings so far this year than the whole State of Alabama and that 99% of the guns used are illegal. Historically banning and controlling things has never worked when there is a demand, witness prohibition, drugs, sex and guns. The old truism that when the Government bans guns only the Government and the crooks will have them holds true (pardon the pun).
I agree that responsible gun ownership requires training, but I think the problems of which gun crimes are a symptom require more than 'gun control' to fix - though that is an easy target for politicians who don't want to make the hard choices.
I haven't checked for updated numbers from the FBI on violent crimes in over a year, so I cannot comment. However I would point out that despite what the MSM dolts would have you believe, a hot summer is not proof of climate change nor does one shooting change a trend…
As to how whack kids got guns, they were most likely going to acquire it/them illegally on the black market. There are restrictions, but people have always been very good at circumventing them.
More people are killed or injured every year on North American highways than in the entire Vietnam War, and motorcycles are one of the more dangerous forms of transportation - should we therefore ban motorcycles and cars? I would argue no, that what we need is better driver training. Witness the pilots and surgeons who have had hugely decreased accident rates due to education on how to perform their tasks.