tps reset w/o ecm spy

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Few months behind here but here goes. I build ECM's, Megasquirts to be exact, I built, burn and tune them. They function like any other ECM. TPS has a direct correlation to idle control. If the ECM see's that the TPS is still slightly cracked open, it will not allow the ECM to go into what is called the PID Loop, the PID Loop enables Closed Loop Idle control of the engine. It will also effect throttle response due to the ECM will loose track of AE (Acceleration Enrichment) which is the equivalent of a carbs acceleration or boost pump. TPS also effect ignition timing, TPS is related as engine load, and timing must follow the set timing MAP. So, if the ECM sees a slightly higher than normal voltage it things throttle is cracked open, in turn it closes down the IAC motor,advances timing, richens A/F mixture thus resulting in a engine that doesnt like to idle at the proper RPM (High) but will occasionally snuff itself out and studder or completely die. Whew...that was alot.
so i have an 07 but dont have ecmspy or cable will this actualy work?

08 and up you do the throttle twist dance, I think,
1 turn ignition on
2 make sure kill switch is on
3 do not start engine
4 hold throttle wide open for at least one second
5 let throttle snap back closed and hold closed for one second
6 repeat 2 more times, open 1 second closed 1 second
7 turn ignition off
8 you have just reset the TPS Congratulations