TunerPro RT/ ECMSPY help

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Aug 1, 2012
I have had my 2008 XB9 City for about 4 or 5 years. Its just a spare bike, and as my little sister got into riding that was her second bike as she progressed. Now she has moved to Houston and I have been riding it a bit lately. I had an oil leak so I wanted to replace the PCV valves and seals, new hoses, new plugs, went ahead and ordered an open intake, oil change etc.

While doing this I got out the old tuning lap top and tried to hook into the ECM. Now about 3 years ago I downloaded and paid for ECMSPY. I could hook up and see the dashboard, could do a fan test, and read codes. Because it was an 08 and was unable to read the maps back then. Fast forward and now I am reading on ECMSPY And Xopti inside that with either Tuner Pro RT or ECMSPY it is quite simple to get into your maps, and data log.

Well I have spent the better part of the last 3 weeks trying to get either program to pull my EEPROM. With ECMSPY I can hook up, it will say can not get EEPROM data. But then after i click that window away down in the corner it will say connected. I can do the fan test and tach test, but no maps. Then I go to Tuner Pro, when I try to hook up to my ecm it says no data, or can not retrieve data. I will have to double check and put up all the exacts this evening.

Anyways, is there anyone on here that is skilled with these programs and could assist me in setting these up correctly? I have tried to do everything with Tuner Pro, watched the youtube stuff, but the setup video has an older version of tunerpro and some of the stuff does not match up. So I am some what stumped. I have read a million posts about how to set both up, read xopti's pdf file on setup, went back to youtube, started with a new lap top and tried to install everything on the new lap top and still its the same result. I know I am just missing one little step or one little program, but at this point I am so frustrated I need help.

I have emailed Xoptiinside 3 times asking for a tune, and assistance setting up. Stating as soon as he suggested what packages I should select I would instantly pay pal him. But no response. I dont want to pay pal 300 some bucks to someone that isnt responding. I will gladly pay someone to assist. I just want to finally get this bike tuned.

It runs pretty good, just some massive dips in power throughout the TPS/ RPM range. I love the bike, just hate trying to get into this ecm.

I and others here have experience with both programs, and I'll help where I can! But I need enough information so that we don't go back and forth so many times just trying to lay ground work.

What version of ECMSpy are you currently using? And very importantly, please post screen shots, error messages, and anything else that demonstrates what you are doing. This is important or else, as I said, we will be posting back and forth for days trying to get the basic information out of the way.
Just a stab in the dark, but seems to me like an issue with the read wire on the datalink connector (could be bike or spy cable side).

Can you read codes?
IDK if this will help you, but I screwed around with Tunerpro RT for about a week trying to get it to link up to my bike. Had an install disk that came with my USB cable and had used it last year successfully to do a TPS reset. This year after sitting up on the work table all winter I couldn't access anything in TP.

Long story short, I went into drivers on my laptop, found the cable drivers, clicked update driver, let it go out to the web (challenging connectivity in the home garage) and it found, downloaded and updated the drivers automatically. Problem solved. Now just waiting on Xopti to get with me on my map...
So... I just did my first TPS reset on my 07 XB12... I think. I used Tunerpro RT and followed the guide. However, after connecting to the bike with the two-way arrow icon and subsequently sending the "2007 down TPS reset", the "error" counter on the status bar (bottom of screen) would increment by 1. I tried sending the fan test command and that successfully turns on the fan AND also increments the "error" count by 1. So, I assumed that I also successfully reset the TPS.

Anyone know why I'm getting this error counter?
Hi Risp, I can easily recreate what you see.

This issue is due to the way the Tunerpro adx command is written. Background - in response to each command packet received (ex: read eeprom, get live data, clear codes, etc), the ECM has a reply packet (Success or Error) that must be read by the software. As it currently exists, the "Clear Codes" and other commands will send packets to the ECM but not read back the response. This response sits in the ECM until the next read of data (or key-off).

In contrast, the adx command that reads live data when you click the two-way arrow icon both sends and receives each packet in a serialized fashion. What happens when you are viewing live data, and then simultaneously send the TPS Reset command, is that Tunerpro gets a timeout waiting on a full live data packet response because it only receives the much shorter packet response from the previous "TPS Reset" or "Clear Codes" command, which was never read and sitting in the ECM's outgoing response buffer. When this occurs, Tunerpro shows an Error.

As a workaround, when you are sending any commands, I would recommend to first "Release emulation hardware" (required) and also disconnect from any live data acquisition. In the adx, you can even uncheck the "While monitoring" check box for the "TPS RESET 2007 down" command to disallow sending of the command while acquiring live data.
A second alternative, and the proper one in my opinion, is to change each of these diagnostic commands to a macro, each of which contain the command to be sent followed by a listen packet of the correct length. In my very brief test, this prevented the Tunerpro error even while viewing live data. Interesting catch!
So... Ready, did I actually reset my TPS? I'm tracking with everything you're saying except for a few points. The drop-down commands (TPS reset, clear codes, fan test, tach test, etc) are only available in live read.

I assumed that I did reset it and then finished my TPS reset procedure by tuning the idle adjustment. Ended up at a TPD of 6.5 to get 1100 RPM @ 340 deg F. Today after work, I started the bike, climbed on, started backing out of my covered parking spot at the office and, wouldn't you know, the bike seemed to be idling rough and it just quit... It started right back up but was still idling rough. Not much confidence in the TPS reset at the moment.
Separate Tunerpro question: Where is the overall AFV? This is all I see... Capture.JPG
So... Ready, did I actually reset my TPS?
Based on how the current adx command is written, I personally would not want to perform a TPS reset in the context of simultaneously viewing live data. The safe answer is to issue the reset command with no other operations going on; then you won't have to wonder. I also plan to update my User Guide documentation!

The drop-down commands (TPS reset, clear codes, fan test, tach test, etc) are only available in live read
There have been several adx versions released over the years, and each may have different send option configurations. Just edit the adx using Tunerpro and set the two "Manually Sendable" options to suit your need (ie, uncheck "While Monitoring" and check "While not monitoring").

I assumed that I did reset it and then finished my TPS reset procedure by tuning the idle adjustment. Ended up at a TPD of 6.5 to get 1100 RPM @ 340 deg F. Today after work, I started the bike, climbed on, started backing out of my covered parking spot at the office and, wouldn't you know, the bike seemed to be idling rough and it just quit... It started right back up but was still idling rough. Not much confidence in the TPS reset at the moment.
Examination of a datalog might give you more information.
Well its been a while since i have had time to play in the garage or work on any of the bikes. Last weekend i had the inlaws in town and was going to go for a ride with the father in law. Damn XB wouldnt start. AFter a bunch of troubleshooting I believe it is the ECM. I have posted up another thread about it, looking for any suggestions on more troubleshooting or where to get an ecm for a 2008 xb9. Once i get this figured out, I will be back in this thread trying to get either program to run.


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