Hey everybody, ZPower here.
I have been working on a TunerPro RT step-by-step instruction manual for my college Technical Writing class. I know there are various documents out there that cover some aspect of the TunerPro tuning process. However, I am going completely through the entire process, from start to finish, and documenting every step I take along the way. The end document will be finished by around December 7th, so not too far away. I would greatly appreciate some input on the outline of the document, since it is still a work in progress. After the outline is finalized by around next week, it's continuing on to the final document. Please do not hesitate to provide feedback, and be as detailed as possible. Anything I need to add, subtract, or modify, let me know. Since you guys are going to be the ones using the document as well as myself, your input helps to improve the overall quality of the finished product. The list that follows is the outline. Again, thank you for your time and input. It is very much appreciated.
1. Cover Page
2. Acknowledgements
3. Legal Information
4. Table of Contents
5. Introduction to the Buell ECU
a. What sensors are involved
b. How the ECU interprets the signals from these sensors
6. Introduction to TunerPro RT
a. Various vehicles that TunerPro RT can be used on
b. Why I chose TunerPro RT
7. TunerPro RT Interface
a. What buttons/functions do
8. Establishing a Link Between the Computer/Laptop and the Buell ECU
a. How to get the laptop and ECU communicating
b. How to solve a “dropped” connection
c. How TunerPro RT remembers files used in the past
d. Differences between two files used (ADX and XDF)
9. Datalogging with TunerPro RT
a. How to record and play back data logs
b. How to ride during datalogging sessions
10. Converting TunerPro RT datalog files to MegaLog Viewer compatible file
a. How to get the best map possible using this process
11. Reading/Writing to the Buell ECU
a. Differences between the two and when to use them
12. Altering ECU Table Values with TunerPro RT
a. What the values mean in each table
b. How the motorcycle is effected by these changes
13. Troubleshooting Various Problems
a. For example: dropped connection, datalogging problems, extraneous values (i.e. smoothing the values), etc.
14. Appendicies
I have been working on a TunerPro RT step-by-step instruction manual for my college Technical Writing class. I know there are various documents out there that cover some aspect of the TunerPro tuning process. However, I am going completely through the entire process, from start to finish, and documenting every step I take along the way. The end document will be finished by around December 7th, so not too far away. I would greatly appreciate some input on the outline of the document, since it is still a work in progress. After the outline is finalized by around next week, it's continuing on to the final document. Please do not hesitate to provide feedback, and be as detailed as possible. Anything I need to add, subtract, or modify, let me know. Since you guys are going to be the ones using the document as well as myself, your input helps to improve the overall quality of the finished product. The list that follows is the outline. Again, thank you for your time and input. It is very much appreciated.
1. Cover Page
2. Acknowledgements
3. Legal Information
4. Table of Contents
5. Introduction to the Buell ECU
a. What sensors are involved
b. How the ECU interprets the signals from these sensors
6. Introduction to TunerPro RT
a. Various vehicles that TunerPro RT can be used on
b. Why I chose TunerPro RT
7. TunerPro RT Interface
a. What buttons/functions do
8. Establishing a Link Between the Computer/Laptop and the Buell ECU
a. How to get the laptop and ECU communicating
b. How to solve a “dropped” connection
c. How TunerPro RT remembers files used in the past
d. Differences between two files used (ADX and XDF)
9. Datalogging with TunerPro RT
a. How to record and play back data logs
b. How to ride during datalogging sessions
10. Converting TunerPro RT datalog files to MegaLog Viewer compatible file
a. How to get the best map possible using this process
11. Reading/Writing to the Buell ECU
a. Differences between the two and when to use them
12. Altering ECU Table Values with TunerPro RT
a. What the values mean in each table
b. How the motorcycle is effected by these changes
13. Troubleshooting Various Problems
a. For example: dropped connection, datalogging problems, extraneous values (i.e. smoothing the values), etc.
14. Appendicies