Uly ??

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2009
Looking for my next bike and prob gonna get a sport touring type dual sport. Owning a bolt, I of course am considering the uly xt. Also looking at bmw gs1200a.

? Is the riding position the same on the uly as the bolt? My main concern is the foot pegs and leg room. At 6'3" with knee issues, my max day on the bolt is 400 or so miles. That is not far enuff for most of our trips. Having a hard time find a local XT to test ride or at least sit on.
Treyflee, i`m 6`1 and the uly is not that comfy the seating position is better than your current bike but i have always said the foot pegs need to move forward quite a bit. Also i think the pegs need to be wider i don`t have knee problems an mine stars hurting after 80km. My toe position need to be more open if i
put the ball of my foot on the furthest point out there is no space for my heel wich bends your leg at an odd angle. I think the GS is a better bike but i will not swap my uly for one. Best is try both on a longish ride if possible. My 2c worth
I am with Lion on this one.

I love my Uly and it would take alot for me to part with it. I am 6ft and the one change I would make would be in the pegs and their possition.

I can ride for a good 400 - 450 miles per day and still be happy, but I do have to extend my legs alot after about 250 miles.

The pegs offer a good platform to stand on, so long as its not wet, my feet slip off in the rain or if riding through water.

Still I love it and will keep touring on it.

I have ridden the BEEMER and I did like the position, but I only covered about 70 miles, so can't comment on the long distance comfort. But it was nice to ride.
Uly + high way pegs from palmer and you'll double your distance in a day. Even with a bigger smile.
Just got done putting 2000+ miles on my new xB12X in three days. Footpegs are perfect. 6 feet + and 200 pounds. I think the bike you are looking for is at the HD dealer. The one with all of the chrome covers over the working parts and the highway pegs that make it look like you are in the stirrups getting fixed at the gynecologist's. At least, that's what my girl says it looks like. Enjoy.

Trey, the Ulysses could not be more different from the bolt when it comes to seating position and comfort. On day four when I was home, I took my girl for a nice long ride. No fatigue at all from all those miles. YMMV, but...
Ha Ha Ha

I Have offroad pegs, maybe just a small maybe it would be better with the standard pegs. They are just too far back. I have done 700 km in one day and it was ok not comfy but ok and you have to stop every 280km for fuell so that helps.

I will NEVER change to a Hardly Dangerous i like my bike too much It has the character and attitude and not the other way round, as is the rule with Harley owners.:D
Ha Ha Ha

I Have offroad pegs, maybe just a small maybe it would be better with the standard pegs. They are just too far back. I have done 700 km in one day and it was ok not comfy but ok and you have to stop every 280km for fuell so that helps.

I will NEVER change to a Hardly Dangerous i like my bike too much It has the character and attitude and not the other way round, as is the rule with Harley owners.:D