Ulysses won't Start, 24 degrees today..

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Active member
Jan 23, 2013
I went into my garage to start up my Ulysses and she will turn over but won't start..anybody else had problems with not starting in cold 20's degrees weather ?
it takes alot of battery cca's to fire these 1203 motors in the cold. and don't forget the ecm programming is very rich at cold start-up. before you pull the front spark-plug (the easiest) to see if plugs are fouled, i would either give the battery a quick fat charge or jump it from either garden tractor battery or car battery WITH VEHICLE HOLDING SAID BATTERY TURNED OFF. hold throttle just a tiny crack open from full off and see if it will start. i had to do that precise thing with my 07 Uly last weekend when it was 30 degrees. hope that helps.
on super cold days ive had to warm exhaust tubes slightly with propane torch, thats quick version, a little heat goes a long way. few minutes with heat gun works well too, like lunatic said good charge always helpful. whatever it takes to get her rollin.