User name meanings

Buellxb Forum

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well buell007 the 007 is because everthing in my life has the number 7 in it and because in a james bond fan. and the buell well because it should be said loud and proud but Ill let my exhaust speak for it. hey gator check this out
m I a gator fan as well its not to popular in washington but what ever .
Props and Rep for the thread FIDOSOL.

Mine is simple...My name is Rod, and I am a bitter somabitch. At least that's what they tell me.
Thanks Bitter Rod, I just figure we should know a little bit about eachother, hell we all spend a noticable amount of time on here. Why should we only swap technical info and opinions? I usually start a post like this when I'm on Staff Duty. Besides, some of these names are neat!
This is definatly a cool thread. I've often wondered what some of them meant. Unfortunately mine is too obvious.

typeone, I guessed yours because I've had a couple of type I's. I hope too get a type III one of these days.
I was into highend equiptment for many years, that is really expensive pieces. Finally gave it up. But it works when it comes to motorcycles also. In terms of all those aftermarket parts and upgrades we just need. Not to talk of all freakin nice bikes wanted!!
Sin-(full)-pieces make my salary vanish in thin air - again and again. - Dah!
I refuse to date anymore girls with glasses...kidding.

My first bike was a twin(Honda GT650). Then I switched to the in-line 4's for a while. After a little break with nothing on two wheels, I was again shopping for a new bike. I rode one in-line 4 and then a twin. I had forgotten how much more fun twins were. NOMORE4s4ME.

Side note. My older brother had an old super beetle when I was in high school. Had a huge stinger off the back. Loud as hell. He used to shut the motor off at the end of our block and coast it 1/4 mile to our house, and into the driveway in the middle of the night so he didnt piss off every neighbor. If he went too slow he would wake me up to help push it in.
Where im from Loc means Lots Of Class, iv always had a silver tongue, always good with the ladies, so im Tha Loc.

And lets just say the girls like my rumblin' bike;)
Haunted by a bad vibe or far as the 151 thats what i used to drink as in bacardi.good thing i quit drinkin![cool][up]
I thought Fidos name was obvious, but I'm prior service. Fido, you almost good enough to be 11B ;) I think my name is fairly clear, I like snowboards and motorcycles. If only I could get my board on my bike to go to the mtns in the winter, I'd have it all.
Canavan was my Paternal Great Grandfathers last name before he changed it to a more English sounding name so he could get work. If you were Irish/Scottish, you were not hired....soo
M is the first letter of my name and 69...well it's 69
Need I explain?
I have 9 2/3 fingers and honestly I usually don't acknowledge that that 2/3rds finger even exists. It is worthless, I can't play the saxophone, pick my nose, or flick someone off...

Well I have always drove a Pontiac Firebird (I have an 88 right now). A friend that drove a Mustang said that my Firechicken could not beat his Mustang. Well all he saw was the AsS of my Firechicken as i did beat him and from there it just stuck. It was the firechicken all over school. And well with the FIREBOLT it just fit. :eek::D
the usual suspects is my favorite movie. hence the keiser sozae. hey i got a 72 super beetle in my garage im rebuilding that i drove in highschool. maybe there is a link between old vw's and buells. seems like a few of us have some of the same passions.

Could be about goin' fast...which I love!!
I used to race hydroplanes and we used to say it wasn't the speed that would kill you - it was the sudden stops. Guess that applies to bikes too.

Its also a reminder to me about my younger days when I was more often that not chemically enhanced and speeding meant something else entirely.
In that context speed kills.
hey i got a 72 super beetle in my garage im rebuilding that i drove in highschool. maybe there is a link between old vw's and buells. seems like a few of us have some of the same passions.

[up]It might be a air cooled thing, or they are different and cool at the same time.