We need a good old fashion......

Buellxb Forum

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For fun on weekends I like to drink and drive and swerve at motorcycles. Bastards think they own the roads. Burp.
On come on man you can't be smoking those pussy ass malboro light you gotta get with the reds little man

Aaaawwwwww damn someOne took a rep point I'll just take one from every one that post because I don't know who did it lol
So who's the douch canoe that's been hitting my rep points..... I've gone from 110 to 105
It's easy to click a button behind a computer screen... It's another to own it and post it up when you do it.

I run Redline and Pirellis. They are the best
guarenteed to blow up if the tires dont go flat first.
So oh9bolt, I heard you got it up to 165mph...is this true

Does your SV hit 80 with that 180 rear?

Welp, I have 80 hps but that's it
What no Santa claus what the hell then how have all those presents been getting under my tree all these years. I know there's no Easter bunny but no santa claus is bull ****
O GOD THE VIDEO! Pro rider there. Everyone take note on how to make a proper turn in a buell.

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