Like this post states WEAR YOUR FRIGGEN LEATHERS. I got a tank slapper 2 days after I got my lightning. It was a beautiful summer evening, headed out in jeans and a T-shirt, I rolled thru first and second pretty hard and into third it was lock to lock...hard. Went down doin about 60. Needless to say I went for a 50 yrd slide. As I stopped, I see my new bike grinding by me down the street. My shoes popped off, dislocated my shoulder obviously had plenty of road rash, but walked away. It needed a set of tires and had corsa 3's in the garage but hadn't gotten them on yet. The next day I was pissed having ridden 27 years, something wasn't right. Ya, the front tire was cupped, normal pressure. I started looking at the suspension and the previous owner had all...ALL the compression and rebound settings cranked all the way in and the rear shock on the tallest ramp. I compressed the front end and it took at least a second or two to rebound.
Wear your leathers and though-ally check out your bike before you ride. Keep the shinny side up! LOL