Websight to find salvage bike values?

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No prob ATF. I never let people get more than they deserve from the companies I handle claims for. But on the flip side I make sure they get what they are owed.

Geckos have tight pockets. Fyi.
You get what you pay for in regards to insurance. Personally I would never be insured by someone who floods the market with advertising. Feel free to contact me after you meet with the adjuster if you don't feel you are getting what you are owed or you need some advice.

Edit.. If he cuts you a check you are not satisfied with.. "Do not cash or deposit it!!"
Whats your opinion on State Farm?

The guy said he would be at the dealership on Tuesday, so I hope to have more to post then.
I can base my opinion on my dealings with them while working at a body shop only. State farm is awesome. They really have their insureds backs and are easy for shops to work with. I would not recommend an insurance company who sells polices with silly characters.

I personally have American Family and have all my insurance thru them. Only had a couple claims in 10yrs. Never an issue with them personally or professionally.

Just always remember you get what you pay for. Read your policy and ask lots off questions when buying a policy. It sucks to find out your coverage sucks after you need it.
They are defiantly dicking me around. Stereo types come from somewhere, they are defiantly not made up!!! This guy doesn't even have a clue about bikes unless he is trying to fool me... ARRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
yo jake..
do you have state farm? if so call your agent pay your deductible (the money for your deductible does not come out of pocket because your bike will be a total loss) you can buy it back from state farm for $800 ($600 for bike $200 is taxes)
state farm will cut you a check for "X" amount of money. thats after they subtract the buy back and deductible price. then after that state farm will go after gecko for there money and your deductible. gecko will eventually settle and you'll get another check in the mail to cover the cost of your deductible. the total time from beginning to end should take 10 business days (two weeks)
Does this jack up my insurance premium? Defiantly something to look into. The gecko guy is going to call me back tonight (maybe, only if he can get his car running) then e-mail me his estimate. I guess if the he, the dealer and I cant get on the same page I may be calling State Farm
Squid is correct... You always have the option to go through your own carrier. You could have a rate increase depending on your history. Check with your agent. If you are having trouble settling your claim with geckoand are insured by state farm you may want to check into it. Rate increases are usually small unless you have filed a lot pf claims
sense this is a no fault claim... unless you were parked where you shouldn't have been i.e sidewalk,handycap,no parking zone,loading zone you get my point. you will not have a problem. the bike falls into a "no fault" so whoever hit the bike is 99% at fault.
also trust me, if it gets to the point your insurance company takes care of it they will get payed a inconvenience fee by gecko which is usually 20% of the total.
so they will not raise your rates. remember there is a reason you pay for auto insurance.
The claim guy was a total freaking Tard. He called me with some stupid low number then had to call me back 20 min late and some how managed to find where the rest of the money was going?

Long ANNOYING story short. Check in hand bike is in my possession

THANKS to all! love this forum!
I got an amount that I am VERY satisfied with and she is not totaled!!! (the guy took my word for the ACV on the bike?!?!?!)

Here comes project season!