Weird Breather tube routing... what to do?

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May 14, 2017
Georgian Bay, Canada
So the previous owner seemed to be a DIY kinda guy, but it a butcher type way, I keep finding more and more ****ty repairs on this bike.

anyway, so i am not very familiar with the routing of this hose or where it should go... im assuming a catch can somewhere.

The hose comes out of the bottom of the V between the two cylinders, then runs around the back cylinder while resting on the exhaust pipe(can see a melting spot and comes out at a dead stop near the airbox cover/seat area on the opposite side...

what should i do with this to make it right? june 11 2017 1951.jpg
I think that's your transmission vent tubing/line.
From the factory the hose runs from behind the rear cylinder and up into the tail section. It's usually totally hidden from view.
It's attached to the center of the engine case, just behind the starter. Try to confirm this, otherwise I'm not sure what it is.
Anyway, if it is the transmission vent line/tubing I'd find a way to route it out of sight and to where it runs behind one of your rear sets. It definitely does not need a catch can. Unless you severely over fill the primary, nothing should drain out of it.
At least I've never noticed mine draining anything
Like Carlos said looks like trans vent tube. Mine comes up to top of shock and is zip tied to it. Never had anything come out of it either. You want it off the exhaust and was a common problem with it sitting on the exhaust and melting. Looks like that is what happened at one time.
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Yes , Carlos & Ricky are right on here, It should be routed behind the exhaust it will be close to the pipe but not in-contact then zip it up at the top of the shock mount.
Check out the top of the shock mod that the PO did to lower a SCG,also moded the bottom of the Shock and the front forks were up kissing the bars. Surprising enough the bottom of the pipe was with out a scratch at all! He was height challenged needless to say. LOL

top shock.jpg shockdrill4.jpg
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