Your thread - your rules.:up:
But I continue to be confounded by the state of affairs where someone (including yours truly) asks a question and doesn't get an answer to
that direct question (often an orthogonal one - but not one that indicates a careful reading of the question being asked). The questioner can certainly admit to 'ignorance' of that particular issue (note the different use of 'ignorance' - to be "ignorant of a certain thing" is different than being 'ignorant
simpliciter' - that should probably, I claim, be clarified when using even that word) without being an 'ignorant' person.
Let me be specific - if someone asks (and I'm intentionally referring to my other thread so as to use a concrete example) how to, say, remove the solenoid signal wire - in fact, asks very directly if 1) do you just remove the green wire? or 2) do you remove the entire plastic assembly within which the green wire is terminated? One would think answers to that question would be targeted at clarifying that state of affairs. When everyone kind of ignores that specific question and talks about everything else for a page or two (in that particular case, on
my thread:eagerness

such that I have to go off-board and ask someone else entirely for the mechanics of how to carry out the instructions given, it demonstrates a corresponding lack of communication skills - i.e. listening to the question being asked - then answering
that question....
I can generalize that to any number of times I have read threads (here and elsewhere) when someone has asked those kind of questions, and the board 'intelligentsia' treats that individual in a somewhat patronizing manner. Having had to lead people, sometimes large numbers of people, both in and out of combat and other deployments for almost 3 decades, that kind of listening/answering makes me cringe just like nails on a chalkboard.
(I hasten to add that often it's the poster
cum questioner's fault....they ask a question, get a specific answer - and then ignore the answer completely. Reversed problem - same communication skill deficit or just hardheadedness in general.)
I'm sure that's not the
intent of most of these responses - so I'm not ascribing motive to anyone here. But it does warrant mention as an observation from the 'cheap new person seats' - where I definitely sit mechanically. When I see a phrase like "use it incorrectly", I begin to wonder what causes folks to do just that. I would proffer that it's often just a lack of information (or 'ignorance of that thing' - as you said) - and as such it could be easily countered with information.
Note that I'm specifically complimenting
you here - when I was urged (by you and others) to 'go for it - it's fun' and purchase the QS for the XB, I did so. When it worked wonkily, you came through with the answers as to 1) what probably was the problem, given my symptoms and 2) how to adjust certain parameters within the tuning program.
That is the kind of help that allows me to pass on to others (which has already happened offline) those 'lessons learned' that Silverrider is talking about.
And yes, I first tightened my oil cap to the service manual spec...that was before I got on this board. Won't do that again...
I'm rambling - and this is your thread about a very, very cool 1190 SX.....which you can't keep on two wheels very often :up::eagerness::black_eyed: