Dang Silver, your SX looks like it wants to choke me out with the Force! Badassery:up:
Since I'm back home (finally!) I did about 150 miles on the SX yesterday up and down the 2. Man, oh man, clear day, no wind, no people, no rocks, no interested po-po, what a day! I SWEAR it would be a better track than Isle of Man (Blasphemy I know, 20 whips on the pole...)
I got home and immediately had to take off the dead cow skin onesy, and get on the riding jeans and jacket to take the STT for a 110 mile round trip, to go press in a GFI breaker on a bathroom outlet for a friend. Yes. really. Where is that dang halo??
Apparently that didn't quite get the riding out of my system, as I did it again today! Not the GFI button, the Hwy 2:eagerness: Clear, cool and sunny! I HATE getting up early, but being up early aint so bad. I had breakfast with some friends at Newcombs and when we came out there was 100 bikes out there. Oh ya, thats right. A holiday tomorrow means Squiddly McSquidface is going to get on his dusty garage queen and claim to be a biker. That's fine, glad you're out here enjoying your motorcycle. I'm happy you like it, now learn the rules on how to be courteous to your fellow biker OR at least pick a line that isn't some wobbling random jerky swerve, thing so I can safely pass you! Grrr....
I have some time in the shop coming so theres some mods I have planned! (Yes the body kit is one) I still need a RX front fairing stay.