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That's awesome Silver! Don't forget to offer it Beef Jerky:)

Hey Wicked, I've been too dang busy either working (Boo!) or riding (Yay!) to get the plastics on:upset: I still need the front fairing bracket and possibly the side ones too. Theres one on e-bay thats bent, and the re-saler wants $80 more than LAP wants for a brand new one:mad-new:
That's pissing me off! There are plenty of parts in the dealer system, they aren't cheap but thats ok because they are NEW parts from the DEALER.

The vultures in the scrap yards see an EBR thats been knocked over and strip it down to nothing while drooling over the MSRP price list just thinking that EBR is out of business and they have us loyal fans by the short and curlies. Supply and demand. Ya right. They have the supply way underestimated and the demand way overestimated. In the meantime, we have no effective supply of used parts. I don't expect to restore every EBR that has an insurance claim and I have no issue taking apart a 'totaled' bike and re-selling the parts. I also have no problem paying a business a profit for something I need. I have a problem with greedy money sucking SOB's that are taking more advantage of a situation that isn't really that bad.


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Dang Silver, your SX looks like it wants to choke me out with the Force! Badassery:up:

Since I'm back home (finally!) I did about 150 miles on the SX yesterday up and down the 2. Man, oh man, clear day, no wind, no people, no rocks, no interested po-po, what a day! I SWEAR it would be a better track than Isle of Man (Blasphemy I know, 20 whips on the pole...)

I got home and immediately had to take off the dead cow skin onesy, and get on the riding jeans and jacket to take the STT for a 110 mile round trip, to go press in a GFI breaker on a bathroom outlet for a friend. Yes. really. Where is that dang halo??

Apparently that didn't quite get the riding out of my system, as I did it again today! Not the GFI button, the Hwy 2:eagerness: Clear, cool and sunny! I HATE getting up early, but being up early aint so bad. I had breakfast with some friends at Newcombs and when we came out there was 100 bikes out there. Oh ya, thats right. A holiday tomorrow means Squiddly McSquidface is going to get on his dusty garage queen and claim to be a biker. That's fine, glad you're out here enjoying your motorcycle. I'm happy you like it, now learn the rules on how to be courteous to your fellow biker OR at least pick a line that isn't some wobbling random jerky swerve, thing so I can safely pass you! Grrr....

I have some time in the shop coming so theres some mods I have planned! (Yes the body kit is one) I still need a RX front fairing stay.
Remember take deep breaths while looking at the SeX EBR. Thx,

Glad your back and had your fix of riding !

Now get back to work ! LOL:angel:
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All, Coming out of hibernation here in Western WA. Thinking about getting some tabs(plates) on the RX. I had the Uly out for a spin Friday. Today there is 4 inches of snow on the ground with bitter cold in the forecast.

Yes I am still thinking of taking the RX to Mendo in mid-march. Any takers for a blast around Coastal Norcal?

I am feeling a little ( very little ) guilty -- I still have the bugs from the Eclipse trip plastered on my windscreen. So much to do.

Hey Opto! Glad to hear the bear made it through winter:eagerness:

Post dates up for the trip! I need an excuse to get north:) I have some camping reservations with a 'friend' at the Grand Canyon the end of march so I can get my gear right. I'll drag the STT up the west coast more than once this summer too. Yosemite, Crater Lake (Marion Berry pie!), Klamath falls, see Mom, St. Helens...

still trying to sort out some days in March. Right now I have a firm commitment to an as yet uncertain date, will know more in a week or so and can plan from there.

/the freebie house is now up for sale so there is some uncertainty there also. Whatever, I am pretty sure something good will work out.

Grand Canyon is too far for me right now, fun as that might be. Enjoy your "friend".

I will keep you posted as things develop. Who knows it might be a marion berry pie fest after all.

Totally flexible as to destination and might be fun to have a few other Buellers on the adventure.

Right now I am completely absorbed with things surrounding plastic in the ocean. This is THE major issue facing the planet right now--It makes all little squabble's and petty concerns seem, well, petty.

It is the major problem that hardly anyone is aware of. If anyone on this forum wants me to expand on this just offer me some encouragement.
I like that can better and also the white air box as well as opposed to the black one. The bike gets lost with the black cover, like it's wahed out in all black. The white breaks it up some and you can appreciate the machine more.
one hell of a nice looking machine! that exhaust tone has to be incredible. i always hated white bikes till i bought this last spring and gussied it up with stripes, decals and bags to break up some of the white body-work. Picture 008.jpg
one hell of a nice looking machine! that exhaust tone has to be incredible. i always hated white bikes till i bought this last spring and gussied it up with stripes, decals and bags to break up some of the white body-work. View attachment 9268

Thank you John, Yes it sounds awesome! :applause: Also a good looking machine John You could have cropped the pic! LOL
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