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coast buellers(EBRers) -- let's do this! I have sort of cleared my calendar so am back on planning the Norcal/Mendo adventure tour.
throw your dates in the pile and perhaps we can find an average best time to tear up the country side. Oh I mean peacefully putt about, really I do.

Sometime between 15 March and April 15 just to get things started. I have to travel two days just to get in range so let's not hear any whimpering.
Cooter- you still owe me a beer and don't forget the ladies' beach volleyball championship.

I was joking around with Cooter on the Volleyball, Bozo, but thanks for the info re Santa Cruz.
Good info on your dates--That helps narrow it down
Hello, All,

Well the lack of response is deafening, except for Bozo --silence. I will go a little further with this. How about the first week in April, just after Easter for a Rendezvous in Mendocino someplace?

The rest of March seems pretty wet and dreary so things might be good for the first week in April. Cooter are you in? If not, throw in a date.

good camping spaces and good riding. Maybe it will work out for a free waterfront house for a few days. Heck I am going anyway, so meeting some EBR/Buellers would be a total bonus.
Hey Opto! I'm still going to the Grand Canyon the very end of March. We're camping for a week and it will be COLD at night. She promised to keep me warm though:eagerness:

I'm still down for a ride and that area up north from me is perfect for a meet up! but yes, lets stay away from the dreary rain. I need to get some better gear for that anyway. Get your plan together and let me know:eagerness:
Love camping at Russian Gulch, just north of Mendocino. They have hot showers...

Many a trip spent Abalone diving there.

Silverider, Way to block the handicap access! :applause:

I'm waiting for a clear day so I can go title and register my XB12R in California. Finally passed 7500 miles (actually over 8500 now...) so I am good to go in our _fine_ state.
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whiz, Coot, how are you going to get that nice warm SX in your sleeping bag? Well, they say the Grand Canyon is a land of miracles.

I can't plan until I get your schedule. Sounds like the first week in April is not going to work. How about mid-April? I am open.

Silver R -- now you are on candid camera. If you flashed that bike up with the exhaust aimed at the windows, the windows would dis-integrate.

You are joining us, Silver R, are you not?

Breakfast on me at the Egghead in Fort Bragg. I will make the arrangements for the Gualala campground and the maybe house in Manchester Beach. Let us get the times and number of riders straight first.


I like the Gualala campground also. You can have a nice fire there. Rezzies will be required but probably not during mid-week.
True. I get the sense that a plan is forming up, also. What is the time frame is the main component. I am OK with mid-April and apparently that is OK with Bozo. S0--Coot it is on you. So figure a time and we will adjust to your sched.

Mean time, stay warm out in AZ.

Once the dates are roughed out I can make some plans/rezzies/housing arrangements. I hope it works out for the mid-week as there is a huge reverse commute from the city dwellers heading out to the countryside on the weekends.

I think the middle of April works for me. My schedule is the typically 'long stretches of boredom punctuated by moments of panic'. That's why I always hesitate to make any future plans. April should be quiet:up:
that's what we used to say to describe working on the tugs--Long stretches of boredom, punctuated with moments of sheer terror. All the older skippers and mates told me to not make a career of going to sea, particularly on the tugs. Fact is they are all long dead from heart attacks and strokes. Tough game.

Mid-April sounds great so will start making some rezzies and routes. Sentimental journey for me as I spent quite a bit of time in that region back when dinos roamed the earth.


Any others out there?
bozo, cooter

For here I am going to PM on this April trip. Any interested others--post here first and I will put you on the PM list

Coot, I read that big put down from the guy over on BWB. That is a tough crowd over there and apparently the guy can't read very well. Group hug needed for sure. Well, just wheel that EBR back over here, much friendlier scene.

I took some serious lumps on the EBR deal but who can I cry to -- nobody, that's who. It sure did make me have a big negative on things in Hero land.

I went for a ride just because and ran across an old EX today:)
