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I would suggest to all, Whom likes to hang on !!! And smile , Big time .
pond bike_801 - Copy.JPG

Sorry about hitting twice , still shaking from my ride. LOL
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Na, I lived in So. Cal for a very long time. I'm just 'back'... Great suggestion on the ride up Angeles crest though, I'll go up that to Wrightwood then back and north to Fraizer Park, hit San Fransisquito into Valencia, and cross over to the 14. I try to stay away on the weekends with all the rookies and the cops out (no plates yet). We should start a thread of great motorcycle roads you've been on!
Topanga CNY was closed yesterday and it turned out to be a great way to find some VERY tight mountain roads. LaTuna Cyn is a one-way road, steep enough to coast all the way to the beach and not many cars at all. A good find:)

These 1190's are so much different that it's easy to justify having an 'S' or 'R' in the garage as well. While it wasn't the plan to get rid of the CR (the move caused that) it might be slightly redundant to have an 1125 and a 1190 unless you have a big enough garage:up:

I'm saying i'm leaving it stock, but I think we all know better:upset:
Lowkey. Just do it.

Really. I waited way too long myself, and seriously couldn't be happier. There's a reason everyone of these threads is the same ol' thing. "Wow" "it's amazing" "woo HOO" "wheres my pants?" well, maybe not the last one but you get the point.

People still have no idea what they are or why they sound like that, besides being a absolute world class bike and a great underdog story too. sub-9K?? do it!!!:love-struck:
Congrats on the new EBR, Cooter! :up: So cool. Keep us posted about how you like it. I've been tempted to pick one up while they are still available. But, can't swing it financially at the moment.
Thanks Submax, I will. One thing that's missing in these 'Hey look at me, I bought and EBR' threads is a long term report. I'll try to do that:UP:

2 days and 430 miles! (I already took off the resonator:upset:)
Install the race ecm matched for the secondary removal. You WILL do damage to the engine without it. Short term (100 miles) maybe not, long term, it will definitely do damage.

Thanks Dean, I didn't know the stock ECM lacked that much adjustment to compensate for the tips. The ECM I got is for the resonator removal. I will install that today:UP:

It sure sounds better already:angel:
So... I left a little late to boxing class yesterday. You DON'T want to be late. Mondays are with Junko. She is a little Korean girl who is shorter than the height of my nipples, blazingly fast, and absolutely terrifying. She is a legit MMA fighter. You do NOT want to be late.

LA traffic and all, I need to get 4 miles away in 30 minutes so the car is way out of contention. I throw on my gear, strap on my gym pack, and saddle up on the EBR. Still no plates yet, so I'm ridin' dirty too:black_eyed: I don't mind splitting lanes but I keep it real because I'm old and wise, not faster that 15mph more than the traffic is moving, know when to hang back, and keep an eye on the front wheel of the car your passing because if it twitches your way.... ya know. I also won't go PCH. Lanes are too narrow and the cagers like to dart between lanes as if its actually going to make a difference on getting home 10 seconds earlier.

To the point. On the 405, off the 405, not dead yet! Down Crenshaw tick tock tick tock!...and get caught one car back from the light at Sepulveda because the 2 phone jockeys in the cars at the line are door to door. Light goes green everybody looks up from there phone and 3 agonizing seconds later we all start moving. As the 2 front runners slowly drift away from each other I have a clear shot to pass and open road in front of me:angel:

I downshift, twist about 1/4 more throttle and it all goes slow-mo... I'm still in-between the cars, in the back seat of the Bimmer to my right is a blond little boy about 6 years old in a booster seat looking right at me. As a nice gesture I go to give him a wave and in doing so, I completely release the last tiny bit of clutch lever I guess I had some tension on.

My front wheel comes right up.

The snapshot in my head is his eyes getting really big and his mouth dropping open:eagerness:. I'm sure the snap shot in his head is the maniac crouched over his tank blasting by his window one handed waving, with the front wheel in the air:cool:

It was a way cooler (dumber?) move than I should be given credit for:upset: but I'm pretty sure I just caused a little boy a whole life of risk taking and expensive toys.

This bike is going to kill me, and I really don't care:love_heart:
Nice story.

You hooked one little tyke. Thousands more to go!

I hated splitting on PCH too. People should be enjoying the ride, not jockeying for a small advantage. I always hated the way people drove PCH when I commuted from Hunting Beach to Bong Leach. I did enjoy the dolphins playing in the surf though.

I tend to watch the side mirrors while splitting. I have gotten pretty good at knowing when people are going to move, even before they do.
So... I left a little late to boxing class yesterday. You DON'T want to be late. Mondays are with Junko. She is a little Korean girl who is shorter than the height of my nipples, blazingly fast, and absolutely terrifying. She is a legit MMA fighter. You do NOT want to be late.

LA traffic and all, I need to get 4 miles away in 30 minutes so the car is way out of contention. I throw on my gear, strap on my gym pack, and saddle up on the EBR. Still no plates yet, so I'm ridin' dirty too:black_eyed: I don't mind splitting lanes but I keep it real because I'm old and wise, not faster that 15mph more than the traffic is moving, know when to hang back, and keep an eye on the front wheel of the car your passing because if it twitches your way.... ya know. I also won't go PCH. Lanes are too narrow and the cagers like to dart between lanes as if its actually going to make a difference on getting home 10 seconds earlier.

To the point. On the 405, off the 405, not dead yet! Down Crenshaw tick tock tick tock!...and get caught one car back from the light at Sepulveda because the 2 phone jockeys in the cars at the line are door to door. Light goes green everybody looks up from there phone and 3 agonizing seconds later we all start moving. As the 2 front runners slowly drift away from each other I have a clear shot to pass and open road in front of me:angel:

I downshift, twist about 1/4 more throttle and it all goes slow-mo... I'm still in-between the cars, in the back seat of the Bimmer to my right is a blond little boy about 6 years old in a booster seat looking right at me. As a nice gesture I go to give him a wave and in doing so, I completely release the last tiny bit of clutch lever I guess I had some tension on.

My front wheel comes right up.

The snapshot in my head is his eyes getting really big and his mouth dropping open:eagerness:. I'm sure the snap shot in his head is the maniac crouched over his tank blasting by his window one handed waving, with the front wheel in the air:cool:

It was a way cooler (dumber?) move than I should be given credit for:upset: but I'm pretty sure I just caused a little boy a whole life of risk taking and expensive toys.

This bike is going to kill me, and I really don't care:love_heart:

I think I saw you !!images.jpg
but I'm pretty sure I just caused a little boy a whole life of risk taking and expensive toys.

I love the way little kids get excited about the bikes! Just hope that a few of them get the bug like all of us. Had to laugh sunday after i'd run back and forth to the hardware store on the harley, when my neighbors little boy probably 2.5 maybe 3? was running around the yard making harley noises with his hands out like on handle bars yelling "Just like I got a motorcycle!" and his poor dad shaking his head, likely cussing his crazy neighbor with all the bikes "yes son, like a motorcycle......" LOL
Ya, Silverrider They come up smoooooth!!

I love that Buelly! I also had a giant green and orange Blazer with 42" tires. Kids at crosswalks would just stare as their mommy would yank them away, hahaha!!

Sure, I'll share a story about when I met Junko:upset:

So when I first started going to this gym, I was learning how to pivot on my front feet when kicking. I was doing it on the practice bags that are in the corner and there is carpet there instead of mat. That's important because I was barefoot and had soft city slicker feet. I ended up getting a pretty big blisters on the balls of my feet and both big toes. Liveable sure, but it will make you walk funny until you callous up.

So there I am for a week or so... tall white guy in the corner minding my own business kicking away at this bag and over walks Junko. "NO!" she says. "You no kick on heel, kick on toe!".

I explained
"Ya, I know. I'm trying to pivot, but I have these blisters".

She walks right up to my chest, looks straight up the almost 2 foot difference, and with a frowny face and big puppy dog eyes she's says:
"Ohhhhhhhh..... you gotta leetle bleester??":sorrow:

She's been kicking my ass ever since.:)
I always thought that motorcycles could be used to test a 2 to 5 year old boy's future sexual orientation. If they turn and look at a passing bike with wonder and admiration, sometimes being dragged down the sidewalk by their mom while gawking, they'll end up straight and possibly a biker. If they completely ignore or act a little annoyed or frightened at a passing bike they may have a career as a hairstylist in their future.
Had another nice ride today. Just over 600 miles total and got my service soon indicator, My baby is all growing up, awww...:angel:

She is still the most phenomenal thing I've had between my legs that didn't smell like baby powder and leave glitter on my BVD's.

I've got the suspension set slightly loose on compression in the front and one up on pre-load on the rear from the recommended 210-235 gear weight chart. Went about 200 miles today, about 140 of those on some super curves!:cool: I'm finding some untravelled roads all over the pass, not many cross streets, and just gated driveways. I don't try to push it too hard on the street but I was rounding a 15mph corner at maybe 35? and hit some thick gravel in the middle of my lane:upset: THAT will get your heart rate up! Bike slid a bit but in the middle of the corner I was off the seat already and on the balls of my feet, so it didn't do much more than extend my legs and it pulled right back onto the right line. I didn't notice if the TC light blinked (on 3) but I do notice it will if I leave a light to fast. She doesn't need ANY help on turn-in so I'll back off the rear shock pre-load, but might loosen compression in the rear as well.

After all those tiring curves, a good test was to get on the freeway. My biggest trepidation of buying the SX in the first place was it's commutability, I made the choice to go home on LA freeways (118,14,5,405) and see how the ol' girl did. Not a very long ride (about 60 miles) but I did learn a lot about her freeway manners.

Above 90, it's windy. There is NO protection from the front. Pulling Guido and Lefty from being smashed against the airbox cover and scooting back on the wide seat helped my riding position a ton (6'3"). It's leaned forward enough to balance the wind blast on your chest, legs more relaxed, and the seat really ain't so bad back there. Shift around and any tainty pressure points can be relieved. BUT you pay the penalty of being behind the CG and you are bounced around pretty bad on anything other that a super smooth lane. I'll loosen the rear shock a bit. Sure would be nice to have ride modes (Cough, cough, S1000R...).

She's all stock gearing, but I have tips and ECM. A very chill 5k rpm is 83mph and she likes to sit right there humming peacefully along. The tip mod is quiet enough at that rpm, a long ride won't leave your ears ringing:up: At 5k rpm in 6th you can still pass someone RIGHT NOW by just twisting the throttle. No need to downshift.
I'll have a 43 tooth rear sprocket soon. Leaving a light in first and having to slip the clutch through the whole intersection is just silly.

I feel I should mark my rear tire on the rim to know if it spins. I bet it does:eagerness:

I only use the clutch from a stop, and the trans is very, very, slick. No false neutrals and a mid corner change is graceful enough not to upset a bad line. A little throttle control and she upshifts and downshifts like butta! I want a quick shifter badly though, I just do.

Both my mirror stems loosened up today so bad they were flopping around. A quick turn with my trusty leatherman is all it took, but I thought I'd mention it if it keeps happening. It's really disconcerting too look in your mirror an have a helmeted man staring back at you!

No other worries except the kickstand gets chain grease all over it.

Great day today. I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow and celebrate Judas' victory:D

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