I swear I'll try not to make this an MV Agusta Brutalé 800 triple thread. But:black_eyed: I do still love my prison shank of an EBR, and give it the respect it deserves because I know it will kill me if I put a hand wrong on it.
I just got back from doing some mountainous laps up in the 'Bu and Holy Hell, this MV is a decel gurgling, quickshift popping, lightning quick, super light, wheelie machine. They added about an inch of wheelbase since the last model and relaxed the rake just a tad but you wouldn't know it. It is so happy grinding from one peg to the other as I continue to build confidence to clutchless up and downshift on the edge of the tire.
Got the clutch grabbing thing worked out, for free :love_heart: I took the clutch out (seriously a less than 5 minute job #racebikes

) and went fairly far down the internet wormhole. Dang it looks NEW, like really new

I found the anti-judder spring was put in backwards (the way the manual shows, but it's wrong) letting the sharp outside edge of the spring lay on the clutch steel instead of the steel ring thats in there to do that job. Seems like even the "MV authorized dealer' can get caught up in this small mistake in the manual, with people complaining of this issue arising after a dealer clutch service. Either way, a double check and a dash of common sense later... this little rocket leaves the line at any speed without clutch drama. WIN!
Lets see, whats next? The front brakes were "just serviced" and the pads look new, but swapping new pads is NOT a "brake service". I doubt they were bedded and the lever returns a little slow. It even seems to pump-up a little so there could be a tiny bit of air in there. I'll flush with new DOT4 and re-bed them to see if I can get any more initial bite. It's pretty dang good right now, but I'm used to the EPFA pads on the EBR now so the more bite the better!
And man she needs a wash. I already spent a couple hours with a rag and a toothbrush but now it's time to attack the brake dust on the wheels. WHO treats a beauty this way!? Ugh, I hate this part. Once they are clean, they'll stay that way but I have a date with some polish, a few hours, and a 6-pack once the single sided paddock stand gets here from Italy so I can take off the wheels. I regret giving my last one to the guy that bought the old MV but hey, I'm a giver, lol.
I love this little spot at the top of Topanga. It's an amazing one way road that drops all the way down to the pacific ocean. Apex!
and no, I'm not telling you where it is:angel: