Cooter, if you and Bubbles ever head up north by SF, hit me up. No way my butt will survive a trip up to Seattle, but I'd love to join you two for a few hours as a sendoff ride.
Oh man. I want a set of nice levers for both the EBR and the Ss and ya ya I know ASV is 20 miles from my house... but these German levers from NCCR are REALLY hard to resist.
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I officially have a problem:
View attachment 15028
I want to post about some of the detail I learned from Nick and the guys about body position that will definitely apply to even the street (at speed), but for now here's a hero shot of me being rad.
...and good looking a helmet:concern:
But seriously, this is the apex on Phil Hill, it drops dramatically and shoots left. It keeps you honest about cutting the paint because if you don't, you're in the dirt before you can see it. Been there too...