Shaughn: the factory and the dealers distinguish between the 2 models as either XR or XR-X. as memory serves, the X has a vented oil tank...floating front brake rotors...blacked out exhaust....multi-adjustable F&R suspension....remote reservoir on rear shocks...MSRP slightly higher. unfortunately, NO mirage orange pearl color offered for that model. there is no specific designation in an XR VIN to denote factory color. but there are at least 2 hidden factory stickers signed by the original H-D painter, from which the factory color can be determined.
XR has the LA motor....XR-X has the N(non)LA motor. all XR motors built and assembled at powertrain operations in Menomonee Falls, WI. all XR's assembled at the now shuttered Kansas City plant...with the exception of the 100 or so assembled at the Brazil plant, for Brazilian consumption/sales only. those have a distinctive VIN. the LA motor is silver natural cast finish parts with what i would call "Buell-spec" cams and top-end components, and ram-air. the non-LA motor is the same but blacked-out finish on all components. the motors/trans units were given these distinctive designations so that both the powertrain assemblers as well as the KC assembly line workers, would know what motors went into which models. make sense?
John: your XR alarm system was an expensive option. retain it. the FOB is a proximity style FOB. its internal battery is a popular #2032 lithium style. simply pop open the FOB with straight head screwdriver and replace the battery every 4-5 years. what nobody seems to be aware of except most dealers, is that the actual alarm system control module has its own self-contained battery. in size and appearance it resembles a small 9-volt battery. it is continuously charged by the bike's battery. supposedly has an infinite life-span but have heard of a few dealers replacing them to rectify system problem. the alarm system is bomb-proof and H-D has built and installed millions of them across-the-board. NO idea why you would not be satisfied with it, but if for some odd reason you are, then simply disarm it. said instructions are tedious but spelled out in owners manual.
PS-run a quality JASO-MA/MA-2 rated synthetic in the primary/trans. Amsoil 20W50 syn and dedicated 20w50 v-twin syn excellent. mobil-1 20w50 cycle specific also excellent. i'm sure there's a few others. the XR trans can be a bit "notchy" with conventional 20w50 cycle specific oil.
and there ya go!
disarm instructions as per OM