Well my turn for an accident...

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Ah the helmet thing was kinda funny :p but my backpack prolly saved my life! Ogio metro. Like owning a backbrace. I h e a surgery this week to fix the legs..hopefully it comes out well! Thanks for the support, seriously wear gear. I'm in Iowa if anyone rides local lemme know ill be back in two months!
Glad you're not worse off MotoX6 [up]

My sister in laws' little brother got extremely lucky a few days ago in a similar manner on his yfz450. Lost control, hit a tree with no gear whatsoever. Dislocated shoulder, cracked ribs, bruised and cut lungs, fractured hip with internal bleeding, fractured knee cap, and broken arm. Doctor couldn't believe he wasn't wearing a helmet cuz no damage at all to his head.
Surgery went well, should be walking in 8 weeks! Here's my bad news...the driver that t-boned me....uninsured.

Anyone near Iowa wanna sell a reasonable lightning or Ulysses? I want another bike :(
Any picks of the bike? Glad to hear your good. Had a guy die on a bike less than a quarter mile from my house this morning at 5:00 AM. Sucks its that time of year again where you start hearing about all of the crashes. Warmer weather is here and everyone wants a bike. Remember though cars aren't looking for the bikes because they have been in hibernation over winter. Stay safe.[cool]
Well I got a quote from Harley today, it needs new plastic for one thing and they quoted it like they could order 2003 firebolt battle blue plastic. Is this possible still? Needs alot else but that's one part I didn't think they would order any more..Anyone turn in an estimate and get the older parts fulfilled??