Back here again, huh?
I wound up buying a clapped out vintage GSXR from some homeless person in a silver El Camino over by this place. I didnt know you could fit that many empty beer cans in a car, but this guy did.
He kept blathering on about all the "sweet mods" that were done from "back in Florida when he used to race". Damn thing was covered in "Steetshock" decals. I was going to ask him what a "Steetshock" was but I could tell he was eyeballing my truck to see if I had locking lug nuts. No sir, these will not fit your El Camino.
Thanks 34:19 I have experienced that foam many times charging $145/hr to clean out old fuel cells when that stuff goes south. I don't think I need to do anything about it, I was just shocked how much the 27lbs of gas made a difference! Trying to race it with a 1/2 tank for now.
CVC The Ninjette is a 2017 and deals are made for Buell lovers!