What a night

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Well-known member
Apr 4, 2008
so we were heading downtown and my bike started lossin power and eventually died. i made it to where we were goin. at this point im about 20-25 miles frome my house, so we found a long garden hose and tied my front end to my buddies rear end and he pulled me all the way home. the problem turned out to be a melted thru starter power wire and all the wires that lead to the sprocket cover.
That sucks but I'd pay to see that picture. Was it scary! Was he pulling you with a car or another bike?
Heh. I'd never expect to see this on the road. This is how friends and I used to get someones bike out of the woods if they ran outta gas. I also did something along the lines of being dragged behind a car in a go kart frame (no engine)using the same method. Those were the days.
What a novel concept! Smart thinking when you are in a bind, and way better than using rope or bungee; which by the way hurts like a mother when it breaks and snaps back.
lol, at least I wasn't the only one thinking something terrible after Fock's last post. [cool]