what about sharpied babies!

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no mistakes... you just flow with it.

i did however start to realise that when i was doing the CR is was drinkin a tad too fast, and started to loose my way a little. so stopped and then came back the next evening to finish it.

clear coat is required. you have to be carefull though. on my cr panels i clear coated the first piece and noticed that the sharpie drawings started to bleed a little. the black ink wasnt as good. i needed to let it settle first and go real gentle with the clear. several coats later and all was good. no clear and it fades pretty quick.

the silver on plack is my fav. looks the best and for some reason easier ot clear over.

i am thinking of doing a gold on black shortly... wondering if it would match the amber rims, but i dont have amber rims anymore so not sure whether to try and see how it looks as a combo anyway.