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On my old bike I used regular Mobile One but it doesn't have the additives the V-twin oil has. Thruthfully I never noticed a difference but I assume long term might cause issues in the primary. I only put about 6k on my first bike.

Otherwise it is V-twin in the bikes. [up]
Royal Purple MAX CYCLE 20W50 engine, & RP maxcycle 10w30 trans

mobile 1 is great too.

i used mobile 1 full syn in my cars too then switched to RP .

most use 20w50 for engine oil for wide temp use and better cold starting, make sure it made & designed for (4 stroke) motorcycles .
and/or recommended for air cooled motorcycle engines.....
also some oil manufactures like RP recommend 20w50(maxcycle) for engine oil and 10w30(maxcycle) for the primary , but if using other oil from another manufacture go with at least 10w40 or 20w 50 in primary and make sure it for WET CLUTCH USE for in the primary or you could ruin your clutch very QUICK.

definitely reccomend full synthetic oil , like Royal Purple or mobile 1 . USE the best that you can afford , same goes for the filter (oil & air)...

RP recommend 20w50(maxcycle) for engine oil and 10w30(maxcycle) for the primary

DON'T PUT 10w-30 in you primary case.
I did and after about a week i barely could get it into second.
Formula + is close to gear oil.
I wrote Royal purple about this several times and never got a response from them.
Why i will never use one of the products agian they asume no libilty for there guide or product performance.

Mobile one v-twin for me way cheaper than RP and easily avible at auto zones nationwide
I've said it before and I'll say it again. A HD engineer designed the engine/ drivetrain to run on HD oil. Nuff said
as far as I know, unless something has changed recently, HD does not process oil, they buy it in bulk from an oil company, put it in there branded bottles and charge more money for the same crap you can buy directly from the oil processor if you knew the name of the processor. Oil filters and air filters are the same way, HD does not manufacture these things. No Motorcycle manufacturer, except the high end boutique bikes, can afford to custom manufacture these things
TooFst---------that's funny because the two H-D dealers i've dealt with told me that they wouldn't use the H-D labeled stuff and instead recomended using Mobil 1 & Amsoil . [smirk]. Citgo is listed as the mfg of all Harley oil by the way !
plus 1 luigi. hd and vehicle manufacturers do this only to help increase the popularity BRAND names & increase their profits just like how HD make pink bandans & panties n leathers in china.

i used to work for a company that manufactured oil pumps for all makes & models of cars like ford, bmw and chevy & more and they used the same oil in all the oil pumps, usually it was texaco/phillip66 but would buy in huge bulk pallets of 55gallon drums of the cheapest oil the could get as long as it met minimum specs & 5w30,..
funny bmw and chevy say the use & recomend only mobile 1 in certain car models.
WALLSXB......."Citgo is listed as mfg of all Harley oil by the way!"

Citgo huh? well that made up my mind; not thrilled about supporting H-D but I'll be F**KED if I support Hugo Chavez[mad]! Looks like Mobile 1 this spring.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. A HD engineer designed the engine/ drivetrain to run on HD oil. Nuff said

sorry but I don't agree here, for one a HD Engineer is and oxymoron :p
I know a few engineers and not one of them builds a product that is dependent upon a certain brand of anything.
especially when they don't make the product their engine would be dependent on.
they design and build the engine to a specific tolerance and then determine the wight of oil that is best suited for it based on the final tolerances after assembly and testing. they have a particular weight in mind but not a brand.

some have in mind if it will require full synthetic or not based on the sheer loads they expect it to generate, but again not a brand, just specs it needs to be within.

when I buy my car they may say use Pennzoil lubrecants turtle wax and BP fuel
but if I use mobile 1 mothers and shell I'm not going to kill the car. especially if the products I use are superior the the ones I replaced.

i used to work for a company that manufactured oil pumps for all makes & models of cars like ford, bmw and chevy & more and they used the same oil in all the oil pumps, usually it was texaco/phillip66 but would buy in huge bulk pallets of 55gallon drums of the cheapest oil the could get as long as it met minimum specs & 5w30,..
funny bmw and chevy say the use & recomend only mobile 1 in certain car models.

that's because of the engine tolerances not the oil pump tolerances. you could test your pumps with crisco if you wanted to (and it had the correct viscosity at temp), I'm still not putting it in my engine.
not to say only mobile 1 will work, but it has been proven in several tests to preform better than other oils and resist breakdown, you can use a lesser oil but you should change it more often.
amsoil 20/50 in both
I use this oil in all my bikes!

plus 1 deltaone, what you say, that was kinda my point the brand didnt matter it was the specs that mattered.
oh here is some useless info ; "crisco oil" that reminds me , funny a veggie oil "CASTOR OIL"a was used in some aircraft engine back in WW1 & racecar engines too(it was used becuase of the it was good lubrication and availablity and time of breakdown & viscosity & temperture characteristics and because at that time other oils was to waxy to thick,& breakdown to fast.) , thats why they wore silk scarves for the smell of nasty oil that would stink n get everywhere smell n go rancid n to help them from injesting toomuch , n peanut oil was used in the first diesel engine.
I kinda wondered if that was what you had meant.

and dude that is an awesome factoid [up]

I'm surprised they didn't use peanut oil in the engines, it has a higher smoke point. I always thought the scarf was a fashion thing for the guys on the ground, I knew it served a purpose for the pilots but didn't know it was for the oil.
thanks for the history, I love that stuff.
The scarf was to protect their necks from getting raw.ie:Heads must be kept on a swivle,lest you be shot down in flames;)
peanut oil was used in the first diesel engine
sorry meant to say peanut oil was the fuel used in first diesel engine by Rudolf Diesel.

The scarf was to protect their necks from getting raw.ie:Heads must be kept on a swivle,lest you be shot down in flames
maybe that too but also,
The design of the Rotary Engine resulted in the castor oil being expelled in copious quantities through the valve system on top of the engine. The pilots would often ingest much of this, leading to a quick trip to the toilets upon landing as it caused indigestion.

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