Are you kidding me? So lame! No engine was ever designed around an oil! ha ha... My god! So tell me how these engines benefit from "HD" oil? Oh and tell me where the HD oil refinery is? Oh and since Buell engines don't use HD pistons and the majority of their internals are not made by HD what should we use... Buell Oil?I've said it before and I'll say it again. A HD engineer designed the engine/ drivetrain to run on HD oil. Nuff said
Don't think you can ever do it too often, as long as your wallet is OK with it go for it.i change both the engine oil and primary every 1500 miles. is that too often?
Actually Citgo dropped Venezuela as a supplier a while ago.Citgo huh? well that made up my mind; not thrilled about supporting H-D but I'll be F**KED if I support Hugo Chavez
i change both the engine oil and primary every 1500 miles. is that too often?