What do you do when it's 20 degrees outside?

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If I do heated gear, I think I would do heated glove liners and a heated jacket liner. the Cycle Gear brand seems to have good reviews, and not too expensive. I think for those 2 items with the controller would be about $250 if you catch them on sale
If I do heated gear, I think I would do heated glove liners and a heated jacket liner. the Cycle Gear brand seems to have good reviews, and not too expensive. I think for those 2 items with the controller would be about $250 if you catch them on sale

Unless I wanted to ride below freezing (which I don't....snow and ice don't excite me too much), I think the only thing I'd need are the gloves. Proper layering, coupled with the gear that I already have, are good for me down to the mid 30's.

50 years of riding in every conceivable temp and environment has taught me 2 valuable lessons in warmth and comfort:
1-when your torso starts to cool it sucks the heat out of your extremities making riding unbearable. the solution? a heated vest from either gerbing or aerostitch. nothing else works as well.
2-when your hands start to chill your attention is diverted from the road to trying to warm them....and your control of the bike deteriorates proportionally. the solution? heated grips from BikeMaster. priced right, extremely comfortable, bomb-proof construction, easy evening task to perform. THE single finest option you can add to any street-bike.
Well, the ones that came with the bike when I bought it a few months ago were 10 1/2 years old. Lots of tread left, but just old and dried up I could tell immediately that the new tires were much safer than the stock ones that were on the bike. I feel much better knowing my tires are good.


OK Warner, I followed your lead and ordered a new set of tires for my SS.

Now, I will need a set of replacement bearings for my wheels before I send them out to powdercoat.

The coldest I typically ride in is 40 degrees. I personally like the fit of the Cycle Gear Bilt Iron Workers jeans. They're a bit thicker than my Speed and Strength ones and tend to block the wind a bit better. I havent tried any of the heated stuff.
I use RC controlled Firstgear heated gear. Heated gloves liners are more effective way to keep fingers warm than heated grips.
I would think this would have to be true....
it's not... but inevitably whatever i post up this ******** always has a diametrically opposed response that in many instances defies any sort of conventional wisdom. if your desire is to have PITA wiring running down each sleeve, harnesses plugged together at your crotch, material so thick you can't work your hand controls.....then by all means follow his advice.
it's not... but inevitably whatever i post up this ******** always has a diametrically opposed response that in many instances defies any sort of conventional wisdom. if your desire is to have PITA wiring running down each sleeve, harnesses plugged together at your crotch, material so thick you can't work your hand controls.....then by all means follow his advice.

Yeah, I've never used either of them....and you make a good point about all the wires and such.....I just don't ride in cold enough weather often enough to justify either. One of my friend has heated grips on his Harley and he tells me they get so hot that it almost burns his hands.

Another issue with heated grips on Buell is that grips radiate heat outside more than heated liners located inside the gloves and Buell has pretty small capacity battery, so if you planning long trip at cold weather grips will suck battery energy pretty fast to keep your fingers warm. Maybe for another motorcycles with big battery and more capable alternator the heated grips is better option than liners, but not for Buell.
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Another issue with heated grips on Buell is that grips radiate heat outside more than heated liners located inside the gloves and Buell has pretty small capacity battery, so if you planning long trip at cold weather grips will suck battery energy pretty fast to keep your fingers warm. Maybe for another motorcycles with big battery and more capable alternator the heated grips is better option than liners, but not for Buell.
still to this day i have absolutely positively NO ****ING IDEA where you come up with this nonsense. reminds me of your informational post on the EBR 1190 oil cooler scoop question wherein you authenticated its positioning by telling all those in attendance that the forced air from the back of the rotating front tire acted as a "ram-air" effect. utter and complete nonsense. quality heated grips on average draw approx. 3 measly amps of current. a healthy XB charging system output is approx. 20 amps. there is no way in hell that heated grips adversely affect either the charging system or the battery. that is unless you're a complete buffoon and wire them directly to the battery instead of a switched hot wire and then leave them on over-nite in the motel parking lot.
still to this day i have absolutely positively NO ****ING IDEA where you come up with this nonsense. reminds me of your informational post on the EBR 1190 oil cooler scoop question wherein you authenticated its positioning by telling all those in attendance that the forced air from the back of the rotating front tire acted as a "ram-air" effect. utter and complete nonsense. quality heated grips on average draw approx. 3 measly amps of current. a healthy XB charging system output is approx. 20 amps. there is no way in hell that heated grips adversely affect either the charging system or the battery. that is unless you're a complete buffoon and wire them directly to the battery instead of a switched hot wire and then leave them on over-nite in the motel parking lot.
John is on the money once again. If INSTALLED properly they are your best friend in the winter or colder months. TEABAG is out of his MIND AGAIN!
John is on the money once again. If INSTALLED properly they are your best friend in the winter or colder months. TEABAG is out of his MIND AGAIN!

I think I'm going to do a how to video on first: how to take your meds.every day. and then: how to put your gloves on.

I just can't decide which hand first. I think right,it's further from your heart so it'll be cold sooner. Thoughts? Oh wait forgot lotion first $#it
Well rode my Ulysses into work at 8 am today, hour trip with 30 minutes on the highway traveling from 70 up to 100 mph. It was in the low 30's and only needed the heated grips on the highway which the low setting was perfect. Also charged my phone from about %67 to %100 with a USB power port directly connected with fuse to the battery. Do notice in stop and go traffic the Buell is perfect with the heat radiating off the motor. Do notice on the highway the air box acts as a scoop and directs air right into my beer gut, so its all good.

Dave it was like 60 degrees today here.......was it cold up there?

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