What do you store under your seat?

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Modified tool kit,that also includes 2 pair of mini vice grip.Vice grip works for an emergency footpeg,lever(hand or foot),clamp,or to clamp the end of a broken clutch cable to help get you home.Also keep registration there
I have the stock tool kit, registration, and thats it. I usually ride with a backpack nut am looking for a tailbag. So if ne one has one or suggestions that would be great to see some pics
Buell Took kit
Insurance and registration papaers in zip lock bag
Pack of smokes (always have a back up plan)
Flat head screwdriver
Tire gauge
Long Handled T27
Ratchet Strap (just incase I need to tie it down)
Bungee cord
my bungie net is about all I've managed to squeeze under my seat so far. Definitely need to explore my options a little better to see if anything else will go. I've also got my insurance and registration under the battery strap.
insurance, registration in a ziplock, parking puck, spare lenses for my wiley-x's. sometimes my headphones and phone.....just looked and there is in fact a tool kit int here still.
OT/related: store a tire repair kit on top of air-box, where exhaust-valve actuator was on XB12.
NC sends a reg card that is wallet photo size. Also the insurance card. So I keep copies for each vehicle in my wallet. One less thing to put under the seat.
Tire repair kit doesn't do much good unless you have canned air too. How does that work?
For phone I use the $8 holster from home depot. Nylon belt loop stays on my belt. Velcro closure keeps the phone in. Learned that one the hard way in my Jeep with the doors off. Sucker popped out and I drove over it.
lets see, Factory tool kit, mini mag light, slime air compressor, tire gage, tire plugs and tool, axle tool, pinch bolt tool, valve core tool, battery clip to lighter socket pigtail, and electrical tape, I think that is all, I'm sure you will say pics, or it didn't happen, so I will post one soon:p
-zip ties
-spare bolts
-tool kit
-+ 1 on that crack pipe makes riding so much more fun..
I tried keeping my registration in a baggie, but water gets in and doesn't get out and the reg is wrecked.

I have open carried once, on my old cbr. It wouldn't fit under my leather jacket. The Indiana handgun license doesn't state how the firearm may be carried, just that you may carry one. :D

technically, unless stated by law, it is not "unlawful" to take a fire arm into an establishment that says "no guns" (Walmart has a sign that says no firearms allowed on premesis.) Technically it isnt against the law, just not allowed by the store. The only thing the store can do is kick you out. No laws are actually being broken.

There was a case a while back where Walmart tried to prosecute some guy for shooting a person who was stabbing one of their employees (obviously in defense of the employee being stabbed.)but they lost the case because the guy was well within his rights to defend another person from death. the "no guns" sign that Walmart posted wasnt a law.

This is dependent on the state. Some states make any "no firearms" signs legal, and other states like IN those signs have no weight. (excepting gov't buildings) the worst they can do is arrest you for trespassing if you don't leave when they tell you. IIRC Walmart's gun policy is to follow state law.
i keep my registration and insurance papers in my wallet but i do cary extra fuses and light bulbs, glasses mag light, stuff to clean my face sheild in a tail bag on my 06 lightning, but when i go on along trip it seams like i put my garage in my bags:D:D

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