Hey Wrench...your "panhandler" occupation reminded me of this sunny afternoon, many years ago, drinking numerous Red Stripes, at the Bull & Whistle on the corner of Duval and Caroline in Key West.
While sitting on the second level balcony, I was watching this guy standing on the corner holding a sign that read "Dirty Jokes $1". While I sat there for way too many hours, watching and listening to this guy, he probably averaged about fifty people stopping per hour, dropping a dollar into his upturned cowboy hat, and listening to one of the guy's fifteen lame dirty jokes.
Eventually the guy folded up his sign, pocketed his earnings, grabbed his hat, and headed on his way.
Two days later, while I was heading out to dinner, there he was...the same guy, the same sign, the same corner. I started thinking...fifty dollars and hour, averaging just four hours a day, three hundred days a year(he needs some vacation time)...thanks $60,000, tax free, for telling lame dirty jokes. WHAT AM I DOING WRONG?!?