what does your screen name mean?

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Got a vacation place in the gold country of the Sierra's. Back in the day of the 49ers our place was the red light district of the mining camps. (Rocky Bar). Always have good times there, thus the handle. Cheers. [up]
I've spend a lot of my life in the Florida Keys. Living there you can't help but have a fascination with pirates and buried treasure. That fascination has carried over to more than one aspect of my life. Jimmy Buffett said it best..."Yes I am a pirate, 200 years to late, the cannons don't thunder, there's nothing to plunder, I'm an over forty victim of fate". Well...I'm not quite over forty yet.


MAGIC cause when I came to US no body could pronounce my first name (don't even ask about my last name :p) the right way, which is Maciek and proper pronunciation of it is very similar to English word "magic". Somebody actually called me magic and it stick to me.
Pockets is a nick that I got branded with. During a engine removal and install on my friend's Cuda, my hands were in my pockets in the first pic we took of the ordeal. The second pic we took, after the install, I'm in the same pose. When we looked at the pics, my buddy said "ok pockets..." and it stuck. My Chevelle's plate is PCKTS70.
Boreas-keeping with the buell Greek Mythology thing and I live in the north (CANADA)....(God of the north-wind, in the shape of a horse drew the chariot of Zeus):p
That's a good one boreas! That should be the name of the next buell. Not stupid already used names like "Barracuda"(1190R) and "Diablo"(turbo xb)
Nuage- french for cloud
420- because I love marijuana
B because back in the day i had AOL and the screwed up my billing so I too had to create a new name. The original was Nuage13 but after multiple AOL screw ups i finally jumped ship with nuage420b
Mine has a dual meaning, OP as in Operation, and Hawk as in the Bird. to explain, when I was in the Navy, I stood a watch, operating an SSTG, Ships Service Turbine Generator, #4 to be exact. Operating is really not wholly correct, I Aligned Started and Placed in operation, then Circled It Like a Hawk waiting for the prey to falter, while the Electricians, actually operated it. The only thing I did was to record the engineering logs for the machine.
The second part, is in the pronouncing of it, if you separate it after the "O" PHAWK, instead of OP-Hawk, much easier to see.
Racepro716, I held a Pro roadracing license in Canada for a number of years (and a couple of Canadian 125GP championships to go with it) :) Wayne
Oh ****, and my plate No. was 716( the easiest to make with red duct tape when we first started ) lol. Wayne
From 1995 until 2002 I spent every fall Saturday in the "swamp" half drunk and screaming at the top of my lungs. So im kinda a Collage football junkie and a Florida Gator Football nerd.
Mine comes from my S-10. It is an Xtreme and since it sits on the ground with air suspension that's the Low.

Will stick I am sure had it for 7 years, although I am getting rid of the truck in April for a Blazer.
Tuneport is for the fuel injection system I was in love with back in the early 90s, 67 ss is from my El Camino that I have had for about 15 years. I am originally a car guru and have gone after the 2 whell version in the last 10-15 years. Dont let this fool you I am only 30. And yes I started young. I rebuilt my first SBC at the ripe age of 5. lol
pockets, i like the way you think.

tuneport, That's basically how I was raised also. I knew fractions, wrench sizes, before I was in pre-school.
Since the crash that shattered my elbow, broke my collarbone in 3 places and cause 2 shoulder surgeries I ride like a slow mother= slomo
And i have 2 Buells. One lightning and one Firebolt.