What is the best hackpipe mod out there?

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Well-known member
May 25, 2008
I want to do this this weekend and I can't decide on my design. I heard of one today were the guy just cut off the rear portion off his can 3/4" above the outlet pipe. Then cut out as much of the center pipe as he could reach and a few inches off the inner piece of the outlet pipe. Then welded it back together. I have seen a couple on here and I can't decide if gutting the middle completely or leaving some pipe is better. Doe's anyone know?[confused]
i can tell you what i did. i like it a lot. more db and i have had no ill effects or loss of power. i made 2 cuts, gutted everything but the interactive valve (keep a little backpressure) but it is unhooked. i then welded in a plate in the back before the outlet that goes halfway across the pipe (also to keep a little back pressure). i love it. im not going to buy a pipe because i think mine sounds perfect. im planning on dynoing my bike this next weekend and will let you know the results. here is a link so you can here what mine sounds like.


if you want more details just ask. it wasnt really that hard.
I just bought a Remus pipe. I didn't make a bad decision but perhaps could have made a better one by saving my money and doing the mode you did. Sounds pretty decent. Can you post more details about exactly what you did? Did you end up dynoing the bike?
i have been wanting to get some videos of me riding at different rpms for you guys. as well as putting it on the dyno. i was so happy the way it turned out, and being so inexpesive, i need to show you guys what i got. i have a scanner here at work and i think i can draw up a model showing exactly what i did. i will try to post it up soon.
heres a drawing i made. yes im a true artist.
