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ok so got in touch with my buddy at the machine shop. He just got the material in today, making samples for me tomorrow then sending them out for me to test. After testing is done they will go into production and I will have exact prices for you guys.

I am dieing for someone to make on of these!!!!!
Tried to find it for almost 3 years now andout of everyone on this site no one has said they could or will make it. AKA the pesky flyswatter plate mount.
I could try to figure something out but no guarantees. something like that would be a solid bent piece from what it looks like with some holes machined in it. with that one tho, don't you have to drill into the swingarm to mount it?
No, it has a circular mount that has a pinch style clamp tightening around the shaft where the axle slides through. Thus also allowing you to change the angle of the mount too. I don't care if it has the holes drilled or not, my luck it would probably have an annoying whistle going down the road!!! All I can tell you about it is that it is billet aluminum, it has two pieces, clamp and main arm.
I also wondered if it would be easier to make the mount piece, one large billet piece which was the caliper relocator and plate arm in one; but hey maybe I'm just reaching here!
actually thats a really awesome idea. I should be gettin a cad program here soon just gota find the one I want. I've been doin all my drawings by hand so far but I'm gettin into more complicated stuff and need something computerized. I'll see what I can come up with cuz that sounds pretty sweet.
ok heres the latest update. My guy at the machine shop got the sliders done 2 days ago and is shipping them to me next week so I can see how they fit. Should be put into production soon. I'll be posting another thread with link to it in this one where you guys can make a list for guys and gals interested in my sliders.
ok well anyone in north carolina or wisconsin that would be able to let me or my buddy figure out measurements and what not. havent looked into this much but would help if you showed me the difference or had a bike I could take a look at
axle sliders on there way to me should be here this week. will update as soon as I get them installed and tested out.
if its already patented its a no go. I'll have to design it or get a different design from someone else if they have one. I'll see what I can do sry its taken so long to get these goin. shop has been super busy lately
Hey, I respect the hell out of you! Starting a business takes equal amounts of gall, brains and balls. That said, I would like to see some custom points covers and primary covers in billet.
These are cnc lathes I guess you could call them. it would probably be easier to have those made with something similar to a cnc plasma cutter I believe is what they are called. I know my old H.S. has one and they could do some really cool stuff on it but mostly the machines at my buddies shop do well with things that are round, square, rectangular or hexagonal stock. I'll see if I can find anyplace around that could make some heel guards tho, thats an awesome idea.

stang65pony, what bracket are you talking about? do you mean the one you need to have for doin the swingarm conversion where the shock mounts?
low profile air ducts that double as frame sliders. Ones that are solid contruction to handle impact, just a hair further out than the frame to protect it, and a replaceable slider mount or piece.