What's a good moped for a girl that does 65mph?

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^^^ yep. I will have her do that. Actually didnt even think of it really. I never took any course's at all.
The course is pretty fun and you will learn somethings you didn't know. I took it with my GF last summer and we both passed. Deff recommend for everyone to take it. Good times riding those little 250's around :)
I took the course back in 2000 or 2001 and have ridden 40k miles since, but I plan on taking it again this spring. I figure I've forgotten a few things, plus I think it'll be fun to ride around on those 250s again. Even if you think you can ride, there's still always more to learn.
I recommend 3 bikes ...

Ninja 250
or the new CBR 250

I think the Blast has a higher top speed, but the other two only get to about 90MPH according to the latest Cycle World. If you want something a little faster, try a 500 or 600cc bike of some sorts... and, like others have said, dirtbikes are a great way to learn.
BIG +1 on the helmet comms.
We had a set of Blue Ants bluetooth headsets.
They come in very handy for the OMG what do I do now???
And then later on, so where are we stopin to eat???
And now I have their F4 and steam music from my phone without any wires to deal with.
Jobe just have her take a motorcycle safety course. Theirs one on 76 and rawson at crystal ridge and one off of becher called ridealive. Or theirs one at the Pettit center. Roughly $300 easiest way to learn.
I had a ninja 250 and I got it to 120-5ish a few times, it would hit 100 pretty quick. with no mods.
I'm in a siiliar boat. I got my xb12 and the wife basically refuses to get on it.. To appease her, we got her an 03 Blast, she's signing up for the Safety Course, (better to learn on someone's else bike than her shiny one.) And she should be good to go..
Now keep in mind, my wife has been around motorcycles for over half her life and she has already ridden a couple dirtbikes, but not to any big extent..
I'd recommend the safety course for a couple reasons. The one I mentioned already and also, she'll NEVER listen to me.. This way it's the instructors headache, AND she won't hate me at the end of it..
the msf is the way to go. if you can find them through a college or university they will only charge 25 or 30 bucks. thats how it is in michigan anyway. you should take it with her. i see that you havent taken it either.
Hey don't make fun of the butt beads until you've tried them! :p

I have only used them on the trip home from HomeComing. 9 hour day with no sweaty legs/butt (ie: NO monkey butt!) makes for a MUCh more enjoyable ride!

Go take the MSF course with her- you will learn soem new stuff as well as make the whole motorcycle thing something for the 2 of you to do together.
I had a ninja 250 and I got it to 120-5ish a few times, it would hit 100 pretty quick. with no mods
Most likely massive speedo error, most gps and or radar readings say 105 is the top speed. I've even read factory ratings that are lower than this.
Most likely massive speedo error, most gps and or radar readings say 105 is the top speed. I've even read factory ratings that are lower than this.

whatever it was?? thats what she showed, no jokes. and it would always get about 80mpg, sort of miss the lil buga.......
Ninja250 gets high marks for a beginner bike too. Great is the twisties.
But if you start too small, you'll be buyer her a new bike in 6 months because she won't be happy with 65 anymore. 0-60 in 3.6 seconds is a lot of fun and will cost you about $100K to do in a car. But under $5K to do it on a motorcycle.:D
My ninja 250 constantly said 115. I know it was probably just an actual speed of 100-105mph, but it would get moving pretty quick. I doubt a blast has a much higher top speed. I don't think the GS500 we have now is really all that much faster than the 250 was.
Jobe if you haven't taken the MSF course yourself, by all means take it with her!

It's a real hoot rolling around on those li'l 250's. I'm sure you're a great rider but brushing up on the basics never hurts (I could use a refresher myself)--plus she can always look over & see you for emotional support (Cost of MSF course--$25. Cost of beginner helmet--$60. Cost of boyfriend's reassuring smile--Priceless).

Besides, you'll have a blast yourself--it's like go-cart day on 2-wheels. Go for it buddy! Twenty-five extra bucks at a local community college for a total of $50.