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Netty2424. I was just throwing out simple facts so this post doesn't go on and on and on
What? It had a clean accident report?.. Atleast it looks like he did a decent job.

Don't worry man. If its the bike we all know it is probably better now than it was before. He put a lot of time and effort into that bike making it what it is today. Enjoy it!![cool]
Yeah something is brewing, can't wait to see the next bike, from what he told me its probably not a buell
oh9BLT- I dont like you.
Yeah sounds like some **** oh9bolt would scheme up:D until we see the next bike we will never know :D
Yeah something is brewing, can't wait to see the next bike, from what he told me its probably not a buel

oh9bolt sold his bike to get a 'busa. that's what i heard from that one guy that almost the the whole thing.
[confused] this is bs right , somthing just isnt adding up ? Lost a bet , sold it so you could get a lightning for the tail , only pics are in oh9's garage with his tags? Somthins fishy! Whats realy up oh9bolt - oh9BLT ? Wouldnt it be harder to find a 09 buell than a s tail?

Im so confused[confused]
When you make a bet I was always told to hold up your end of the bet, and I did just that. The new buyer will enjoy what I have done to her, im glad he is a close/best friend that way I get to see him ride it all the time... :(

Hes a close/best freind and didnt know you were in a bad accident? I barely know anything about you and know that much! Common whats going on you didnt realy sell it did you? Im not trying to call you out but somwthings strange with this whole thread
^That vid is hilarious...

Yeah the bet was pretty legit, it was the ring game best of three, Jesse's home turf and he just lost straight up, got beat all three times, I saw it with my own eyes..
Alright alright this was a joke that oh9BLT thought would be funny, because I am in love with my Buell and this forum. When he was was going to do this I said dont go taking pics of my bike, but he did anyway.

I had no idea what was in store for me so I let him do what he thought would be fun so I played along.

I didnt sell my bike, lose a bet or anything. I will have my bike forever, it is paid off and there is no reason to get rid of it nor will there ever be.
